06. Really?

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~Tara's hospital room~

"Hey" Tara says looking at Skylar with a sad smile.

"Hi, uh how are you feeling" Skylar questions as she sits down next to the hospital bed.

"A little high" Tara tells her. "I'm-I'm sorry about Dewey...I understand if you want to blame me-"

"I don't blame you" Skylar cuts her off. "I would never blame you for something that isn't your fault Tara" Skylar tells her sincerely.

In fact she blames herself.

"Do you know what your going to do?" Tara asks changing the subject."Where you're going to go after all this?" Tara ask Skylar since the parent she was living with is no longer here.

"If I'm alive?" Skylar questions.

"Don't say that, you're gonna live" Tara tells her seriously making Skylar sigh.

"Well, my mom said she's taking me to New York with her, plus they have some good colleges there" Skylar answers her, shrugging.

"Maybe we could all go to New York, you know to stick together and go to college together and all that stuff?" Tara asks hopefully.

"That sounds like a great fucking idea" Skylar tells her smiling a bit for the first time since her dad died.

They were staring at each other for a while until the door opens and they turn to see Amber there with an synthetic look.

"Amber" Skylar whispers standing up to hug her. "I tried calling you, I didn't know If you were safe or not" Skylar mumbles into her neck.

Tara looks down from the scene in front of her clenching her jaw as she feels a pain in her chest.

"I'm sorry baby, my mom had me on lockdown and took my phone away, she was trying to protect me from ghostface if he called, but my parents finally left so I came here as fast as I can" Amber whispers to her making her nod.

"Want to come back to my house with me baby" Amber asks her as they pull away from the hug making her nod again. "Um I hope you feel better Tara" Amber tells her and holds Skylar's hand. Tara nod as a thanks.

"Bye Tara I'll see you later" Skylar tells her as Amber pulls her out the room to leave the hospital.

"Where do you think your going" Gale stops them as they were about to leave.

"Amber's taking me to her house, I'll be safe mom" Skylar tells her mother.

"No, no way, you are not leaving my sight again not while ghostface is out there." Gale tells her shaking her head.

"Mom, I trust Amber. I'm safe with her I promise" Skylar tells her while squeezing Amber's hand making Gale sigh.

"...Fine, please be careful" Gale tells her pulling her into a hug.

"I will" Skylar tells her after they pull away and Skylar and Amber walk out the hospital.

"Do you think she's safe with her?" Gale asks Sidney as she watches them leave.

"I don't think anyone's safe with anyone anymore" Sidney tells her with an sigh.

"I told her about Kate" Gale admits making Sidney look at her shocked.

"Shit really, how did she take it?" Sidney asks surprised.

"There were a lot of tears but the talk went ok, I'm not sure how she's feeling about the whole situation tho" Gale tells her with an sigh while Sidney rubs her back in a comfort manner.

Meanwhile as Skylar and Amber walk out the hospital they see Mindy in the driver seat of Amber's car.

"Hey Mindy what are you doing here?" Skylar asks confused.

"Thing one over here wanted me to drive her to pick you up" Mindy tells her pointing to Amber making her roll her eyes as they get in the backseats of the car. "Where to?" Mindy asks starting the car.

"My house" Amber tells her and Mindy nods as she starts to drive there. "So, I was thinking about having a small memorial party for Wes" Amber tells them making Skylar look at her crazy.

"You want to have a party...in the middle of a murder spree...are you serious?" Skylar questions her making sure she heard her right.

"Just a small get together...its for Wes." Amber says looking at her.

"Fuck yeah, I'm in" Mindy tells them smiling from the drivers seat as she turns up the music.

"You didn't even like him" Skylar tells her confused.

"So?" Amber asks with an smug smile causing Skylar to sigh.

"I don't think I'm gonna go" Skylar tells her shaking her head making Amber's smile drop.

"You should" Amber tells her pouting.

"My dad just died and ghostface is on the loose, and you want me go to a party?" Skylar asks her with an 'are you serious' look. She wanted to tell her about being related to a ghostface but she didn't know how she would react.

"I know baby but think of it as a get away" Amber tells her scooting closer to her.

"I don't know amber" Skylar tells her sighing.

"Come on" Amber begs her, putting a hand on her thigh caressing it. Skylar looks at her hand and glurps before looking back up.

"I-I really don't know Amber plus my mom-"

"She won't find out and I'll protect you baby" Amber tells her moving her hand up higher towards her core making Skylar take a deep breath.

"Aamber I-"

"Please" Amber begs giving her puppy eyes as her hand reaches her clothed clit, cupping it through her pants causing Skylar to sharply inhale and panic as she looks towards Mindy who wasn't paying attention them, jamming out to the music on the radio as she drives.

"F-fine, only for a few hours tho" Skylar tells her making Amber smirk in accomplishment and kiss her.

"Thanks baby" Amber whispers against her lips.

Mindy looks up to the mirror and sees the position the two are in and her eyes instantly widened.

"You two better not be having sex in the back of this car while I'm in it or I will be throwing hands" Mindy tells them turning the music down so they can hear her, causing Skylar to quickly remove Amber's hand.

"W-were not, um Amber was just...f-fixing my seatbelt" Skylar stutters out embarrassed while Amber just smirks.

"Mhmm. Yeah right" She mumbles to herself, rolling her eyes not believing the girl as she turns the music back up.

"Really Amber? Right in front of her!" Skylar glares her girlfriend.

Amber just laughs wrapping her arm around her and Skylar instantly melts into her embrace, they stay like that until they arrive at Amber's house.

A/n: Writing on Wattpad > Doing homework

Im serious tho I have like probably 20 or more missing assignments that I have to do before I graduate😭

1143 words


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