03. Suspects

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~Meeks Household~

Mindy went to open the door for Sam and Richie as the rest of the group sit on the couch it wasn't long before Skylar hears a similar voice enter the house as well.

"Randy was our uncle" Mindy says as she passes the shrine of Randy and blows a kiss at it. "You said to bring everybody" Mindy shrugs.

"Dad! what the hell are you doing here" Skylar says standing up once she sees Dewey enter behind Richie.

"Ohh, suspects! My brother would be so proud" Martha (Mindy&Chad's mom) says as she sets the snacks on the table.

"Hey, Martha" Dewey says to th woman as they hug.

"Dewey! Hi! You look..." Martha says looking at him, pausing.

"Yeah" Dewey says nodding.

"How's the wife?" Martha asks making Deweys smile drop and Skylar to look down.

"Mom, we're good. Thank you" Chad says to his mother, trying to get her to leave.

"All right, kids, have fun" Martha says as she leaves.

"Now back to the point why the hell are you here dad" Skylar says to her dad walking next to him.

"You know why. Why didn't you tell me it was ghostface who attacked your friend" Dewey asks her making her sigh.

"For this exact reason dad. What If you get hurt, I don't want you back in this drama" Skylar tells him sincerely.

"Hey I'm the parent here so that's not your call to make kiddo. And now that I know it's ghostface I not leaving especially when your evolved" Dewey tells her making her sigh knowing when he set's him mind on something there is no stopping him so she sits back down in between Amber's legs, laying her head on her chest.

" I asked Mindy to call everyone here, because... there's something I have to tell you" Sam says to the group.

So Sam began to explain to everyone that Billy Loomis is her father and that ghostface only attacked Tara to lure her back to Woodsboro.

"So let me get this straight, you're saying you're the daughter of Billy Loomis, and what? That one of us is the killer?" Chad questions Sam with frowned eyebrows.

"The killer told me he knew my secret. He attacked Tara to lure me back here" Sam tells them.

"But then why immediately go and murder some douche-nozzle that was stalking Liv?" Chad shoots back at Sam confused.

"And why does it have to be one of us? What about the deputy Dewey over here? Maybe he's the killer. No offense" Wes adds in and Skylar glare at him.

"None taken, but what's my motive?" Dewey asks.

"You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife leaving you to take care of your child most of the time and crawled into a bottle" Wes tells him and if looks could kill Wes would be six feet under with Skylar's glare.

"Come on really, he's literally my dad, he wouldn't do this." Skylar tells Wes angrily and Amber rub her shoulders to calm her down.

"Well maybe you're the killer because that cut deep" Dewey says as he takes a deep breath falling back into the couch.

"That douche-nozzle is connected" Amber speaks up from behind Skylar. "I googled him. His mom is Leslie Macher. Stu Macker's sister." She explains.

"Who is Stu Macker" Liv asks confused.

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