10. Pain

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Skylar looks at her mother who's holding the side of her stomach in pain since she was shot there. Skylar has tears in her eyes as she tries not to cry.

Sidney tries to reaching for the knife on the table but Amber is quicker and stabs Sidney in her stomach.

"No" Gal, Sam and Skylar yells in shock. Sam tries to go to her but Richie point the gun at her.

"No, hey! Sit the fuck down" He yells at her and she does.

While they're distracted Skylar tries to go for the knife but Amber sees and points her knife at her. Skylar backs up until she hits a wall as Amber comes closer to her.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Skylar questions looking at Amber with hurt.

"Oh no baby, after all of this I'm taking you with me, what do you say?" Amber smiles as she drags the knife down Skylar's face, blood getting on her cheeks as she does.

"No" Skylar tells her shaking her head and tries to escape her grasp but Amber slams her back in the wall, holding her in chokehold with her arm.

"Wrong answer baby" Amber says and lifts up her shirt exposing her stomach. "Maybe this will give you some motivation" Amber tells her as she starts to carve something on her stomach with the knife causing Skylar to scream in pain, she tries to move away but Amber's grip is to strong.

"No, Stop It" Gale shouts from her position as she hears her daughter scream in pain, tears
dropping down her cheeks.

"Shut the hell up weathers" Richie yells pointing the gun at her.

"Stop" Skylar cries as she struggles against her grip and Amber looks at her, frowning feeling a little bad for hurting her but she has to do this, she doesn't want anyone taking her away from her. Skylar is hers and hers alone.

"I'm sorry baby." Amber tells her as she finishes the carving. "There you go all done, now I'll always be with you" Amber smiles and Skylar looks down at what she carved and it only spelt one name.


(I didn't want it to be too big

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(I didn't want it to be too big. I also suck at editing)

Amber swipes her thumb across the carving getting blood on it. Skylar whimpers in pain as she does.

"You know this would be super hot under different circumstances" Amber says smiling maniacally and puts the blood covered thumb in her mouth sucking it clean and Skylar began to feel nauseous since Amber added on to her blood loss after being stabbed.

"Go get Tara out of the closest. We got to go start staging the bodies!" Richie yells excitedly. Amber pecks Skylar's lips before exiting the kitchen.

Skylar tries to go over to help Sidney but Richie points the gun at her. "Nu uh uh you stay right there" He tells her shaking his head and she glares at him.

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