A Sleepless Night

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I can't get this dream out of mind. I picture a small blue eyed brunette wearing a Santa hat and sitting on his lap. She whispers her wish for Christmas to him, but I can't hear what she says and Santa frowns and says something to her and she cries and gets off his lap running to the arms of a man and young man. I see a woman arrive with her hands full and she puts them down to catch the child in her arms. They walk away from Santa's area and that's all I see. My therapist told me that he has no idea why I am dreaming of them. Not sure if I should continue on with dr Flynn or try another doctor.

Dr Flynn
I am not sure of the dream and what it means for Christian. I wonder if this is something he witnessed when he was a child. I don't know for sure because he doesn't talk about his childhood much. He has just became my patient a month ago. The man has a lot of anger inside him. He uses a few things to relieve the anger, physical sports like hitting a punching bag, running to exhaustion, kickboxing and other outlets. Our session is soon over and nothing is really resolved. But then I didn't expect it to be resolved quickly.

Elena Lincoln
I spot Christian Grey coming from my therapist office and I am very curious about why he is here. I proceed to my appointment and ask about Christian Grey. He tells me that he doesn't know who I am talking about. Then we start my required therapy sessions. I am here because the judge forced to after I did something to a server and he pressed charges against me. I slapped him for an insolent remark he made about my being too old and fat for what I am wearing. The court gave me thirty days and community service and required therapy for anger management. I have to attend until the doctor signs off and says I am better, plus anger management classes.

Dr Flynn
I will need to assure mrs Lincoln doesn't get an appointment that is on the same day as mr Grey's appointment. I don't trust this woman at all with my patients confidentiality.  Mr Grey and all my patients deserve their privacy and she was trying to open up communications about another patient. Pretending that I didn't know who she was talking about was not going to work, but I can't help who sees my patients after they either leave here or arrive here. If you presses this issue I will recommend a new doctor.

We leave just as the other patient arrives and no doubt she has recognized mr Grey. It can't be helped. I already know mrs Lincoln because she likes to be photographed and be seen in different social arenas. Some including the Grey family. She has tried unsuccessfully to befriend the Greys. Their is something off about the woman and she just put herself on my to watch list. I call and get a covert on her right away. She might use the fact she saw Mr Grey to try to get something from him. I don't know her well, but I will soon.

You saw Mrs Lincoln right? Jason nods and tells me he has called to have her followed from now on. He definitely knows before I ask what is needed done especially since mrs Lincoln is not to be trusted period. We head back to the office and he goes to his office and I go to mine. Soon there is a background check in my email from Jason regarding Elena Lincoln. I read it and there is definitely something there. I always kept my distance from her and I know that something is still off about her.

Sawyer just called in and told me that she is at at home and a young boy in his teens arrived and he went straight inside the house. I tell him to stay on it and get photos and he told me he decided to get photos when he saw how young the boy was. I definitely hire good people, they think ahead of the game.

I get bored sitting and watching for things to happen, after six hours a replacement arrives and Ryan Reynolds takes over and I tell him about the teen boy still being in the home and he says he will get the photos of the boy leaving. I soon send him the photos of the boy and mrs Lincoln.

Ryan Reynolds
I get the photos and good lord that woman needs someone to remind her that she's too old and heavy for the outfit she's wearing. I watch until dawn when the boy stumbles out and gets in his car and drives away. He doesn't look old enough to drive. I get the plate number and run it. It belongs to a couple, so it must be his parents car. I get their background checks and they have two children one boy around this kids age. I just want to know what he was doing in the Lincoln's home for that long.

I think we believe that the boy was her entertainment for the night. We can't prove anything yet. I give mr Grey the information and he tells me to put someone on the boy or boys that enter the Lincoln house. If they end up in the hospital then we decide what to say and who to say it to. Can't assume anything here but after him staying for such a long time and leaving at dawn is a boy hiding things from people. Especially his parents we think because he made sure he was very quiet when he arrived home. Photos of him arriving home and his barely able to walk were concerning to all of us.

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