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Willow Taylor

I  looked through my phone waiting for my order to be called. Last night only got worse for me after I was forced to make dinner,  he then told me that I will have children with him despite not wanting a child with him , since his parents are ready for grandchildren and he's an only child. They told me that I need to just get over it and have them for the sake of the family.

That's all I've thought about since last night and it makes my stomach turn for him to even go with his parents idea of  forcing me to have children.

I got up hearing my order being called. I grabbed my bag, seeing that Omar was calling me. I answered not paying attention and bumped into some guy, causing me to stumble back a bit and drop my bag.

I hung up from Omar quickly.

Willow - I'm so sorry. I didn't look where I was going and-

The man smiled and grabbed my bag from the floor.

Anthony - hey Pep

Willow - Anthony?

Anthony - yeah

It's been a while since I've seen Anthony. He definitely looks good with all those tattoos.   We were friends basically our entire childhood and started dating once we hit high school and my parents didn't approve of it.  

Willow - it's been a while

Anthony - it definitely has

Omar called me.

I declined it.

Anthony - how have you been?

Willow - can't complain. Im married now.

Anthony - oh that's cool I guess

Willow - what about you?

Anthony - I'm not married, still single.

Willow - are you just visiting?

Anthony - I moved back permanently about a year ago. I actually have a tattoo shop a few blocks down from here. It was nice seeing you Pep.

I smiled.

Willow - you too Tony.

Anthony Arthur

I sighed as I watched her walk away. Willow was the first and only woman I've ever loved. I let her go to pursue my dreams, hoping she would've waited for me but that wasn't the case.

Pep really got married on me. It's not like I can be mad, I did leave her but I always thought we would get back together.

Willow Taylor

Anthony really looks good.  I know he left to pursue his dreams and I wanted to be long distance but he said he couldn't take not seeing me everyday so the same day he left, he broke up with me through text. Then I met Omar, he basically was a rebound so I could forget about Anthony and we moved really fast in our relationship. We only dated for a year before getting married when I was 20 and he was 25 and my parents  instantly approved of him because his family  has money .

I walked in the house and was met with a slap to the face. I held my cheek.

Omar - answer when I call Willow

I sighed.

I looked at him.

Omar - do you understand me

Willow - yes

My eyes watered.  Omar used to be so sweet and then we got married and who he really was started  to show and I have to endure it because of the clause  in our prenup.  If he leaves me or I leave him, the spouse who left owes the other 50,000 dollars but in the case of  cheating, the one who left doesn't owe and the spouse that cheated is order to pay the other a million dollars for every year they were together.

Omar grabbed the bag out of my hand.

Omar - who was this friend you saw?

Willow - he's not important.

Omar - you mentioned him so he must be.

Willow - he's just an old childhood friend. Somebody I grew up with.

At that point in my life when Anthony and I were teenagers, I thought nothing was gonna break us up. I really had faith in us. I would give anything to be loved the way he loved me because I know Omar doesn't love me and I believe he never did.

Omar - hard to believe you actually had friends.

Anthony Arthur

I sat up my station up , still thinking about Willow.

Maurice , my best friend looked at me.

Maurice - what you smiling for Tony?

Anthony - I saw Pep today.

Maurice - Willow still lives here. She said after high school she would go and live in France.

Anthony - Pep got married and had other plans I guess.

Porsha - who's Pep?

Maurice - the love of Tony's life.

Anthony - she-

Maurice - you have a picture of Willow in your wallet. She was your first love.

Anthony - an old picture

Maurice - still a picture.

Porsha -  is her name Willow or Pep?

Maurice - it's Willow. He used to called her that as a nickname because  she had a really bad temper.

Anthony - you wouldn't know that now

Maurice -  she must've calmed down now that she's married

I hope I run into Willow again so I can at least get her number.

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