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Anthony Arthur

I  put Rue and Mazey to bed and took  Sadie outside to pee. Willow walked outside. She kissed me.

Anthony - what you want?

She smiled.

Willow - my husband.

Anthony - I just fucked you a few hours ago.

Willow - you've had a few hours to rest up. So you're good.

Anthony -  I saw Omar on my at back home. He was drunk , talking about how you and Porsha ruined his life.

Willow - Guilt is eating his ass up. I sleep well at night knowing  I treated him right so my conscious is clean.

I kissed her.

Anthony - you about to get treated real good.

Willow - bring Sadie in  the house  and come on.

Willow Arthur

I  walked in my room and saw my phone ringing . It was Omar.

Willow - hello

Omar - you took everything from me and you're giving him a child whore.  You and that bitch Porsha

Willow - watch yo mouth Omar. I took what I was owed. Not my fault you sit there and drink yourself stupid . You didn't want to be married , you wanted to beat on me, so I left. Porsha realized you weren't shit either and didn't want her baby around your toxic ass family and got out before she  and Mazey endured what I had too. She has somebody who loves her and so help me if you fuck that up for her, I will hunt you down.

Omar - you are nothing but a weak bitch.

Willow - and I'll be a weak bitch, in my house , fucking my husband and having as many babies as he wants because unlike you,  I actually  am a good person.

Omar - I'm sorry, I love you

Willow - that means nothing coming from you.  You should have told me that when we were together.

Omar - you don't reject me. I'll fix your ass

Willow - Karma is fixing yo ass for me don't contact me again

I hung  up.

Anthony walked in.

Anthony - who was that?

Willow - Omar. I handled it.

Anthony - what happened?

Willow - he called to be annoying. Enough of that, I'm horny so come on.

He smiled.

Celeste Watkins

I rolled my eyes and Carter cried for his  dad.


Cassius just dropped him and the boy is getting on my nerves.

Carter - I want my daddy


Carter - yes he d-

I hit him repeatedly.

Carter - I'm telling my daddy

Celeste - you open your mouth and say something to him and I will burn you next. Go to your room.

Carter Sterling

I went in my room. My daddy bought me a phone to call him, but my mom doesn't know.

I FaceTimed  him.

Cassius - hey son, what's the matter?  What happened to your face.

He took pictures.

Carter - mommy hit me.

Cassius - I'm coming back to get you, okay?

Carter - okay.

Cassius Sterling

Carter hung up from me. I got up and grabbed my keys.

I walked out of the house and to my car.  I have evidence now so Celeste can't accuse me of  shit.


I knocked on Celeste's door and tapped record on my phone and shoved it in my jacket pocket. She opened the door and smiled

Celeste -  you finally change your mind about fucking me?

Cassius - where's my son

I pushed past her and called for Carter. He came downstairs.

Cassius - let's go Carter.  Get whatever you can carry. 

Celeste - Carter go back to your room

Cassius - don't listen to her.

Carter grabbed a few toys and walked out.

Celeste - you can't do that, h-

Cassius - you hit him.

Celeste - that little shit was cr-

Cassius -I don't care what he was doing, he's a child.  He has fucking  bruises on his face. You don't deserve to be a fucking mother.

Celeste - that's my baby please

Now she wants to cry.

Cassius - your tears do nothing, they're fake. You don't give a fuck about my son.

Celeste - I'll take you to court.

Cassius - and that is perfectly fine with me.  Enjoy the rest of your night.

Hopefully now with this evidence , I can get my son permanently.

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