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Cassius Sterling

I  held Gabby's hand as I knocked on Anthony's door. Willow answered.

Willow - Cass! Gabby! How are y'all?

Cassius - we're good.

Gabby - congratulations girl, I didn't know you were pregnant.

Willow - yeah 4 months.

She let us in.

Carter ran to me. I don't get to see my son as often as I would like because Celeste is bitter. Half the time I come to get him , she has some lame ass excuse as to why I can't see him, I know it's only because she hates Gabby and I've tried to get full custody but the courts have refused , so I try not to piss Celeste off but sometimes she's really wants to get cussed out good. 

Carter tells me what goes on when he's with her and honestly the way he describes it , it sounds like a whore house and  that's not safe for him or Rue.

Rue , Mazey and  Carter ran to me.

Rue - hi uncle Cass

Carter - hi daddy. Hey Gabby

Mazey - hi uncle Cass and auntie Gabby

Gabby - hey Mazey

He hugged Gabby.

We gotten really close with Anthony , Willow , Maurice , and Porsha.

Willow - are you here for Carter?

Cassius - yeah

I turned to Carter.

Cassius- you ready to go home bud?

Carter - I like playing with uncle Anthony and Rue and Mazey.

Cassius - you wanna stay a little longer.

Gabby - where's Anthony?

Willow -  he went by the shop  really quick.

Gabrielle Cartwright

Willow sat me down in the living room and we FaceTimed Porsha.

Porsha - hey y'all. Gabby , you and Cass finally got out the house.

Gabby - yeah.  Any how's your trip?

Porsha -  I might come back pregnant. Maurice has  just been  everything I needed to relax. He's been doing everything.  I miss my baby though

Gabby -  that's understandable.

Willow - Mazey misses you too

Porsha - how's my nephew doing?

Willow - he's fine. I can't wait until I can finally hold him in my arms because after I give birth and my healing phase is over, it's gonna be pound town and margaritas.

Gabby - sounds to me you wanna get pregnant again as soon as possible.

Willow - if  Anthony knocks me up , I won't be mad. Be fruitful and multiply.

Porsha - What's your birth plan?

Willow - I haven't discussed  it with Anthony but I want a home birth, he may be against it as I've had to be really careful during this pregnancy.

Porsha - what about you Gabby? When are you and Cass having kids.

Gabby - I can't get pregnant

Willow - I thought the same thing b-

Gabby - I really can't get pregnant. My cycle is irregular or sometimes absent so I'm happy  with him having Carter.

Porsha - I'm sorry I asked that then

Gabby - you're fine. If I want more children, I can always watch y'all's kids.

Willow - you are certainly welcome to.


Maurice Baxter

I looked at  Porsha as she sat across from me.

Porsha - why you keep staring at me

Maurice - you just look really beautiful tonight.

She smiled.

Porsha - thanks babe. I've really enjoyed this trip with you.

Maurice - I guess I can tell you why we're here.

Porsha - what are you talking  about?

I got on one knee and pulled out the  ring.

I got on one knee and pulled out the  ring

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Maurice- will you-

Porsha- Yes.

Maurice - you didn't let me finish?

Porsha - if you're proposing marriage, my answer is yes.

I smiled.

Maurice - thank baby girl  because she  picked it out.

I placed the ring on her ring.

Porsha - it's beautiful. I've thought I'd  never get to have this experience.  I thought the best I would  get is baby mama

Maurice -  you're about to be wife, you know you deserve better than just a baby mama

I smiled.

All I have to do now is introduced her and Mazey to my mom and I'm don't think I'm ready honestly. She's gonna be mad when she realizes I hid a kid and fiancé from her but I had my reasons to do so.

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