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Anthony Arthur

I smiled as I watched Rue with Monroe. She standing in the chair looking over the bassinet just talking to him and Willow is sleeping because  she spent most of the night in labor . I did deliver him despite what the doctor told me because I was shot but I feel fine.

Willow opened her eyes and looked over at Rue and Monroe, then at me.

Anthony - what?

Willow - I can't believe I did it. He is just the most perfect thing.

Anthony - all thanks to you.

She smiled.

Rue  - mommy can I hold him?

Willow - yeah , just let daddy help you.

I got up and grabbed him out of the bassinet and Rue sat on my lap with Monroe in her arms.

My phone rang. It was Porsha.

Porsha - hey y'all.

Anthony - hey

Porsha - Willow had the baby

Anthony - yeah.

Porsha - and you didn't call us. We could've came and got Rue  and watched her.

Anthony - after the night we had, that wasn't possible.

I told Porsha what happened between us , Omar and Celeste.

Porsha - just a bunch of fools.  I hope their ass get the electric chair , fuck jail.  Tryna blame us for your fuck ups.  Are you alright though , you did get shot.

Anthony - I'm good

Willow - yeah , good and stubborn.  They doctor told him it wouldn't be best to deliver the baby since he was just stitched up before my water broke.

Anthony -  I didn't pop any stitches so I'm good.

Cassius Sterling

Gabby walked in kitchen where I was with my phone.

Gabby - you have a call from jail.

Cassius - I don't know any body  in jail.

I answered it , just to see how it was and it was Celeste.

Celeste - hey Cass, could you bail me out of jail. I'll pay you back

I chuckled.

Cassius - What you do?

Celeste -  I tried to get Rue back from Anthony.

Cassius - get somebody else to bail you out. 

Celeste - he hurt me. Please just come and get me.

Cassius - like I said , get somebody else to do it and I don't believe you, Anthony don't put his hands on people for nothing.

Celeste - I hate you

Cassius - but you were just begging for me to bail you out, how does that work?

Celeste - did you tell your girlfriend about when we kissed.

Gabby - you kissed her

Cassius - she  kissed me with her desperate ass , talking about she wanted another baby.

Celeste - she can't have kids. Infertile ass

Gabby -  and bitch you incarcerated  so get the fuck on. I'd be infertile than in prison. I'm a free woman and you're not

Gabby took the phone from me and hung up.

Cassius - do you want a baby?

Gabby - I have one already.

Cassius - I don't mean Carter. I know you love him though.

Gabby  - it would be nice but it's not in the cards for us.

Cassius - we can try.  Never say never.

Gabby - fine.

She kissed me and smiled

Omar Taylor

I thanked my mom as she bailed me out.

Omar - mama I need you to bail out my girlfriend.

I'm only bailing Celeste out because the plan went left and we need another approach.

Edna - girlfriend?

We ain't together, I just told my mama that because she wants me in another relationship. I don't find Celeste attractive but I think she likes me so I can use that to my advantage and she'll do whatever I want.

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