Chapter 1

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    Some things just never went to plan Iris thought as she shocked herself while trying to fix the broken generator. "Dinners ready!" Her mom yelled from their old broken house. Iris got up from the ground and dusted herself off before going inside. "Did you get that generator fixed?" Asked her mom "Not yet" "Well if you don't get it fixed soon you will get no money for fixing it." " I know mom it should be done by tomorrow." Iris bit her tongue as she was about to argue why her mom couldn't go out and make money to also help with food for the family. "Good then eat up tomorrow is a big day." Iris completely forgot tomorrow was the reaping her stomach instantly tied up in knots thinking about it. Just then her little brother came running in from outside. "And where have you been?" "Sorry mom" max said. Max was only 8 years old but he had the mind of a 12 year old he was pretty intelligent as was Iris they got from their dad who died when she was only six now she is 14. The thought of her dad made her sad watching her dad die was pretty rough especially at six. She ate what she could of her meal then headed up to bed.

    The next day Iris got up pretty early just so she could work on that stupid generator and get it finish like her mother asked. Bye the time it was 12 she did it she fixed the generator. She hopped around with joy until she met the eyes of her brother looking at her like she was stupid. She didn't say one word to him just stopped and walked back into the house to get ready for the reaping. She got in the bath and scrubbed until her skin was red then once she was satisfied with how clean she was she got out and saw a dress on her bed that her mother picked out for her. It was a plain grey dress since her mother knew that she didn't like bright colors very much. She put it on and went downstairs her mother didn't say anything just looked at her and gestured for her to come closer. Iris did and her mother kissed her on her forehead and turned her around so she could do her hair. She had a lovely fishtail going down her back. Her brother walked out of his room with his nicest clothes on. " Don't you look spiffy" Iris said " Shutup" Max said. Iris grinned to herself knowing max didn't like to dress up he liked to play in the dirt and be outside not in nice clothes barely able to move.

    All you heard was the sound of gravel underneath everyone's shoes no one spoke a word. Now it was time for Iris to check in, it was always an unpleasant experience getting pricked in the finger but the pain only lasted a second. Iris went to stand in her section. She asked someone if that spot was taken they just looked at her with fear and shook their head no ever so slightly. Iris didn't saying anything not knowing wether they were scared of  her or the fact that in a few minutes they could be on a train to death. She stood their for a little bit waiting for the reaping to start her mind wondered to what would happen if she did get picked, what would she tell her family, what would she tell little max her heart broke at the thought of max he already grew up without a father losing his sister would be even harder on him. She was brought out of her sad thoughts when a woman who looked like she just came out of a cartoon stepped onto the stage. Azalea Frost was a woman who was way to happy for Iris's liking. As Azalea kept blabbering on Iris got bored as the video came on the screen. She could practically recite every word to it by now. Iris was in her own little world but the words that brought her back was her own name.

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