Chapter 8

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     "I have the perfect thing for you." Tigress said with gleeful smile. Tigress brought in a beautiful short back dress that faded into a lovely gold. "I love it, it's beautiful." Iris said in awe. "I thought you would that's why I picked it. Now go ahead and put it on so we can start working on your makeup." Iris slipped the dress on with ease as she smiled to herself. Tigress gasped behind her as Iris slowly turned in a circle so Tigress could see the whole dress. "It looks even more beautiful than I thought it would. Now time for your makeup." Tigress said as Iris walked over to her and sat down on the chair in front of her.

When Tigress was done with her makeup she held up a mirror so that Iris could look at it. She had black and gold eyeshadow that came into a black wing, and some fake paper like gold pieces on the wing. To finish it off Tigress put some beautiful dark red lipstick on. "It looks great, thank you." Iris said still looking in the mirror not believing if it was really herself or not. "You are welcome." Tigress said with a proud smile on her face.

Tigress led Iris backstage to where all the tributes stood in a line waiting for their turn on stage. Iris's jaw practically dropped when she saw Clove in the prettiest orange dress she has ever seen, it was strapless, long, and had a puffy bottom. Iris eyed her up and down until she was met with those brown eyes and a smirking smile. Iris knew she just got caught so she tried to play it off as she smiled at Clove. Clove rolled her eyes as she kept smirking but before Iris could do anything Cato stepped in between them and started talking to Clove. Iris felt a little hurt but knew that Clove couldn't have done anything about it so she just went and got behind the district 4 male tribute. Iris felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped and turned around. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you I am just really nervous and I need someone to talk to." Gabe said as he had a stupid look on his face like he didn't even know what he was doing there. Iris chuckled at his statement even though she really didn't feel like talking to anyone. "Ok what do you wanna talk about." Iris asked a little irritated. "I don't know, I was kinda hoping you knew what to say." "Ok well to start off I am sorry for shouting at you the other night." "Oh that's okay I totally understand why you did. I passed your boundaries and I am also sorry." "Yeah but I shouldn't of yelled at you like that." Iris said as she put her head down ashamed. "Don't worry about it but if I may ask what we're you and clove talking about on the roof." Iris stayed quiet for a moment. "You don't have to answer I was just wondering." Gabe said so quick Iris could barely understand it. "We were just talking about what her life was like at district 2." "Oh okay." Just then she felt a hand on her back as it was pushing her towards the stage. "Your turn, just go out there when he announces your name." The man said in a serious tone. Iris didn't say anything just nodded her head as the man walked off. "You all know this next one as the electrifier, Iris Stoll!" Caesar Flickermam announced into a microphone. The whole crowd cheered so loud that Iris could barely hear herself think as she walked onto the stage. She plastered on a fake yet easily believable smile on her face. Caesar held out his hand as Iris took it and sat down. The crowd quieted down as Caesar welcomed her. "Now our lovely Iris what are your thoughts on the capitol." Caesar asked her. "Well Caesar it is way different from district 5." Iris said with that same fake smile. "Oh it's different how." "Well you guys have many different options for soap." Caesar raised his eyebrows at the crowd as everyone laughed. "Your funny, but in all seriousness what do you use to be so lethal." "Well my main option for a weapon would be an axe, they are heavy but good for close combat and if you know how to use one if can also be used for long range." "Wow, now last question who at home is giving you that strive to go win the games." "My family are the ones that are giving me a reason to go home, I have a little brother and he means so much to me and I would love to be able to see him again." "Well I wish you the best of luck in the games." Caesar said as he kissed Iris's hand. They both stood up and the crowd went wild cheering and screaming as Iris walked out. Porter and Tigress came up to her after she walked out and told her she did a good job. There was a screen on the wall and Gabe appeared on it so Porter and Tigress went and watched Gabe but Iris didn't want to watch him because who knows what he was going to say, and besides she had other plans. Iris walked up to Porter and Tigress and told them she was going to go back to the room, they told her okay so she sped off to the elevator and clicked the button to go to her floor. Once she got there she went to her bathroom so she could get all that pretty makeup off her face. She took the dress off and put some more comfy clothes on, then she went and put the dress on the couch so Tigress could come and take it. Once she set the dress on the couch she headed for the elevator once again, got inside, and clicked the button to go to the roof. She smiles to herself hoping that Clove was there, just the thought of Clove made Iris's heart jump around in her chest, she was so excited she could barely wait for the elevator to reach the roof.

(I know this is a shorter chapter Caesar is kinda hard to write so I tried my best I hope you at least kinda like it.)

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