Chapter 19

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    Iris just sat there, numb not knowing what to do or say. She stared at the cold wall of the dark cave for what felt like hours until she heard someone coming into the cave. She barely looked over at the cave entrance to see clove coming back with a rabbit. But she quickly looked away not wanting to make eye contact with Clove. Clove came in and set the rabbit down on one of the rocks in the cave then came and sat next to Iris. Iris didn't bother to look over not wanting to talk to her but still wanting to be next to her because she is her comfort. She is the one that makes her feel better in rough times, she was the one who brought her out of her shell on the roof, she was the one who saved her life from jumping off that building, but...... she was also the one that killed Thresh when he didn't need to be killed, she was the one who killed Gabe out of cold blood when he wasn't even trying to hurt her, she was the one who played with her heart on that roof, she was the one that.......... Did everything to protect Iris.
   Looking back Iris realized that she had friends but sooner or later they would turn on her just like everyone else would when the time came. Iris protected her by killing them off. Now here she is still protecting her, still bringing her out of those rough times.

    Iris reseted her head on Cloves shoulder never saying a word. They sat there for a little bit in silence just enjoying each other company until Clove broke the silence. "Why did you keep pushing me away when I would kill someone?" Clove asked looking at Iris. Iris didn't lift her head to look at her she just kept staring at the wall infront of her. "Because I didn't realize you were doing it for me." "What do you mean?"  Clove asked still not getting it. Iris raised her head and finally looked Clove in the eyes. But as she went to talk those eyes took her breath away and she lost her voice. She had to look down just to regain control of herself. "I mean, I thought you were just killing them out of cold blood, like just for fun or for a good show for the capital. And it took you killing Thresh for me to realize that you are doing to for a reason." "I did it so everyone you had on your side wouldn't turn on you." "Yeah I know, that's what I have been sitting here thinking about." Iris said as she just looked back at the wall of the cold cave. Clove didn't say anything but just stared at Iris. Iris shivered as she realized how cold it was in that dark cave. Clove saw that and scooted closer and wrapped her arm around her. Iris couldn't help but lean into her, she was so warm and comforting. Iris started to tear up but she didn't have many tears left. One tear silently ran down her cheek as just snuggled into Cloves chest.

    Some time went by and somehow they ended up laying down and falling asleep. But Iris once again woke up in the middle of the night. But this time something was different she didn't feel Clove next to her. Iris sat up and looked around but there was no Clove. She got up and went to the cave's entrance just to see Clove leaning against a tree. A sigh of relief came of Iris as she saw that Clove was okay. But as soon as she went to step out of the cave a rock came crashing down on her arm making her not able to move. She screamed at Clove but she never turned around, she never even acted like she cared to hear her. Suddenly she saw Psycho walk up behind her. Iris shouted at Clove but she never turned around. Cato put his hand on her neck and threw her on the ground. But Clove didn't even try to fight back. Iris tried to lift the boulder off of her arm but It was no use she was so weak she could barely lift a twig. So she tried to wiggle out from under it as she saw Cato get on top of Clove. But the wiggling was doing nothing. Then Clove started screaming she screamed Iris's name over and over. Cato put his hand on her neck and got his sword out. He put it to her neck, by now Iris was screaming and crying, she was trying her best to get out from under that boulder but nothing was working. Cato put his sword to Cloves neck and started applying pressure which made Clove scream even more. Iris couldn't do anything but just sit there and listen to her scream her name. Iris closed her eyes not being able to bear seeing Clove die, and she knew she was next. Soon the screaming stopped and it was silent, Iris opened her eyes to see (this is a pretty gory so please move on if you have a weak stomach or don't want to hear it) Cloves head on the ground but her body was detached. Iris cried and cried until she heard footsteps coming her way and she knew that it was her time to die. She opened here eyes and Cato was standing there with his sword out and ready. He punched Iris in the face and broke her jaw. He put the tip of his blade against her stomach and applied a little bit of pressure but enough to break skin. He then slid the sword across her body leaving a huge gash that was bleeding everywhere. Then he went down to her thigh but this time instead a leaving a gash he put the sword all the way through her leg. She screamed from the pain. He stood up leaving the sword in her leg but instead put his hands on her throat and started squeezing. Iris's face started turning purple from not being able to breath.

    Iris woke up screaming as she jumped up. "Woah woah calm down." Clove said while putting her hand on her cheek. Iris looked at her for a second then hugged her tight. "I thought you were dead." Was all Iris kept repeating as she hugged Clove. "I'm okay, I'm right here." Clove said as she started rubbing Iris's back to comfort her.

   Iris calmed down after a little bit but she made sure that Clove was next to her at all times. "Are you ready to tell me what that was about?" Clove asked Iris in a thoughtful tone. Iris just looked at her with tears welling up in her eyes again then looked back at the ground not saying anything. "It's okay if your not ready but I will be here when you are." Clove said putting her hand over Iris's. Iris looked back up and Clove and opened her mouth about to say something but no sound came out so Iris just looked back at the ground defeated as she felt Clove squeeze her hand.

    Iris scooted closer to Clove and rested her head on her shoulder. Clove wrapped her arm around Iris and held her. Iris teared up thinking about the dream again, she she tell Clove what happened or should she just suffer on her own, would Clove even care about what she was going through, or would she just think Iris was weird and push her away. Iris just sat there with tears in her eyes as she overthought everything that Clove had ever said to or done to her. Iris then randomly blurted out "I had a nightmare." "Yeah you don't say." Clove said back with a smile. "Do you wanna tell me what happened or not talk about it and me just be here for you." Clove asked as she put her hand on Iris's cheek. Iris fell into Cloves touch then lost all fear or concern and just told her. "I-I had a nightmare about you and Cato but he was...... different it's like all the killing or being out in the woods alone made him crazy. So I heard you outside and I went to go check on you but a stone fell on my arm and I couldn't get it off, then you died from Cato and Cato then killed me." Iris said as she opened her eyes to see Cloves eyes filled with shock. Iris wanted to go out and punch something because she just told her that, that was so stupid, now she might push Iris away, or even worse just leave-. Iris was interrupted out of her thoughts when she felt Clove hug her. She was so shocked that Iris didn't know what to do so she just sat there in Cloves embrace. "I am so sorry." Was all Clove said as she held Iris. Iris didn't say anything back just put her arms around her and nuzzled her head into Cloves shoulder silently crying.

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