Chapter 13

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    As Iris was looking for Rue and Katniss it became dark. Iris decided not sleeping for the night would probably be best, the careers might be close behind. She was trying to be as quiet as possible but everywhere she stepped there was a twig but it was hard to hear anything when you had those stupid loud crickets.

After a long time of walking Iris could barely see where she was walking so she tripped over a root. "Stupid root." Iris whispered to herself as she tried to untangle her foot from it. "You probably should pay better attention." A deep voice said in the distance. "If you are going to kill me make it quick please, that all I ask." "No I am not going to kill you." The deep voice finally stepped out from behind a tree. Iris squinted to see who it was. "Ok then what do you want." The person didn't say anything they just walked closer until they got to Iris's foot. They knelt down beside her and took off the root. They got up and offered their hand to Iris. Iris took it without hesitation after figuring out who it was. "Gabe your stupid you can't scare me like that and what's with the deep voice?" Iris said a little annoyed but still grateful he was here. "Hey I'm not the one stomping through the trees and I liked the deep voice." "What are you trying to say." "A-all I was trying to say is I-I think I kinda saved you." Gabe said flustered but still trying to defend himself. "Yes you did save me thank you but still why the deep voice?" Iris said as she hugged him happy that he was alive. He hugged her back gratefully. "I thought the deep voice was cool but I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that." "Don't worry I was just teasing but not about the deep voice......don't do that." Gabe chuckled at her statement. They both let go and started waking. "How long have you been alone?" Iris asked curiously. "Um I haven't met anyone until now." "Your joking, I have ran into someone every time I turn around." "No way so do you have an alliance with any of these people that you met." "Well some of them I spoke to and liked and the other ones tried to kill me so there's that." "So who are the ones that you like." "A girl from twelve and a girl from eleven." "You are allies with the "girl on fire." "Yes but she has a name you know. Katniss is the as you called her "girl on fire" then there is Rue from eleven." "Really you chose her over everyone else." "First of all at least I have an alliance and second I think she could kill you within a split second if she really wanted to." Gabe was quiet so they just continued walking in silence.

Someone came running behind them as Iris pushed Gabe behind a tree but didn't have time to get behind one herself as the person who was running came and smacked right into her. Iris jumped back up to her feat ready to fight but she stopped herself. "Katniss what happened." Iris said as she saw dried tears on Katniss's face. "T-they got Rue." Katniss fell to her knees as she said the words that Iris dreaded." "Who killed her ." Iris said while holding onto Katniss's shoulders so she wouldn't fall over. "The boy from one." "Gabe get over here." Gabe did as he was told and stepped into view. Katniss looked at him and started backing away but Iris still held her grip on her. "Katniss this is Gabe he is my ally from my district he won't hurt you trust me if he does I will kill him myself." Katniss just looked at Gabe with fear and sadness. Iris helped Katniss stand up and she kept and eye on Gabe the whole time. Katniss unexpectedly turned and hugged Iris like she might never see her again. "It's okay I've got you." Iris said as she hugged her back and held her for a second. "Hey we have to start walking because as you said we can't be in one place to long." Iris said letting go of Katniss. "Yeah I-I'm sorry I-" "I don't ever want to hear I'm sorry come out of your mouth. You did nothing wrong and I am not going to let you beat yourself up because you did not choose this." Iris said as they kept walking. "I know this is probably a bad time but did you kill the boy from one." Gabe asked as both of the girls just turned and looked at him. "I'm sorry that- I shouldn't of asked that." Katniss sorta chuckled to herself then look at at Iris. "Is he always like this." She asked still smiling. "Yeah he's not the brightest lightbulb in the drawer." Iris said as she turned and looked at Gabe's stupid half smile. She faced back at the front and smiled to herself. "Yes I did kill him, for your information." Katniss said after a second of silence. Light came upon them as they were walking. "How long has it been since any of you have had food?" Iris asked as her stomach growled. "I did yesterday but I could shoot a few birds and we could eat that." Katniss said gesturing towards her bow. "Wait how did I not notice that earlier." Iris asked flabbergasted. "I killed the girl from 1 with trackerjackers and got it from her." Katniss said like it was no big deal. "Okay yeah that's casual." Iris said with a half smile on her face. "Hey at least I got the bow right?" "Yeah true, now what did you say about shooting birds?" Katniss smiled at Iris and just looked away still smiling but Iris could tell it was fake just by looking at it. "How about we rest since we have been walking all night, then we can eat your birds you shot." Iris said as she found a bush to sit by and plopped down next to it. Katniss went and found a tree to sit by that was right in front of Iris while Gabe just laid down a little to the right of Iris.

After a little bit of resting Katniss got up and grabbed her bow. "Do you want me to come with you?" Iris asked genuinely. "No I'm good y'all stay and rest." Katniss said never looking back at Iris. After some time Iris heard a cannon and Katniss hadn't come back yet so Iris jumped up and went into the direction that Katniss went. Iris stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Katniss coming back with three birds in her hand. "Oh my gosh I thought you were dead." Iris said running to Katniss and hugging her. She felt Katniss hug her back as a breath of relief came out of her. "I'm okay, are you okay." "Yes I'm okay." Iris smiles at Katniss. "Come on we better get back Gabe might be worried." Iris said letting go of Katniss and grabbed two of the birds from her so it was easier to carry.

    When they got back they found Gabe asleep on the ground right where Iris left him. "I'm surprised he hasn't died yet." Iris said chuckling. "But he is good for something." Katniss said as she looked over at the pile of sticks on the ground. Iris gave the birds back to Katniss and sat down next to the sticks and tried to make a small fire. "You gotta move your hands faster and downward." Katniss said setting the the birds on a rock nearby. Katniss came over and took the stick and started making a fire. Once they got a small fire going they started cooking the birds. Once they were done Gabe woke up and came and sat down next to the fire. "Wow so now you decided to wake up after the work is done." Iris said teasing Gabe. "Hey I went and got some sticks so I did something." Gave said defending himself. "Here." Katniss said as she gave Gabe some bird. Iris stomped out the fire and got her bird as well. "Hey I was just getting warm." Gabe whined. "If you want to die you can go make a fire somewhere else....... we have to move because someone most likely saw the smoke." Iris said getting up. Katniss grabbed her backpack and got up ready to go, Gabe sat on the ground for a second then finally got up.

As they were walking they heard a scream in the distance then another cannon went off. They all stopped and and looked up at the sky as the saw a girl from district seven appear. "Come on we better get moving." Iris said as she put her hand on Katniss's arm to move her along.

(Thank you so much for 200 reads. I am writing when ever I can so you can enjoy more of the story. Love all of you! :)

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