Chapter 16

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As Iris was running to grab her bag she saw Clove behind the cornucopia fighting someone. "Man some things never go to plan." Iris whispered to herself as she had to abandon her plan to help Clove instead. As she came around the corner of the cornucopia she saw clove throw a knife then it was all happening in slow motion, the knife flew threw the air and went and hit the person trying to run away from her in the back. The person fell and hit the ground lifeless. Iris turned and looked at Clove but Clove hadn't seen her yet.

A cannon went off for the lifeless person on the ground which made Iris jump. Clove turned around and threw a knife in Iris's direction but Iris wasn't able to react quick enough and it came and hit her in her left arm. Iris grabbed her arm as Clove ran over to her worried. "Get off me." Iris said as she pushed Clove away. Clove looked at her with a shocked expression. Clove tried again grabbing Iris but Iris still pushed her away. "Why would you kill him he was not even trying to hurt you?" Iris questioned Clove with anger. Clove was once again taken by surprise as she just looked at Iris at a loss for words.

Iris walked over to the boy on the ground and turned him over, she fell backwards covering her mouth as her eyes started to water. She recognized the lifeless boy. She crawled back over to the boy and put her hand on his chest. "No Gabe you promised." Iris whispered while crying. Iris looked at the lifeless boy like he was just going to wake up and give her that goofy smile that he always has or make on of his terrible jokes that no one ever laughed at. Iris put her head on his chest and cried into it. "Even though your dead you are still comforting me, imagine that." Iris said into his chest. She listened for a heartbeat but as she expected there was none, the one that comforted her the night of her nightmare was gone, the one that she could be herself around, the one that made her smile even though a lot of the time she was mad at him. She wanted to punch herself for letting him run off into the forest. "I didn't know." She heard Clove say behind her. Iris didn't even want to deal with her right now so she just ignored her still looking at Gabe. "I'm so sorry Iris." Clove said as she took a step closer. "Don't come any closer, I can't deal with you right now." Iris said never turning to look at Clove but instead kept her eyes on Gabe. Clove didn't step any closer, in fact she didn't even move she just stood there waiting. Iris kept crying as tears fell onto Gabe. She leaned in and pressed her lips against Gabe's. "I'm sorry I didn't do that sooner." Iris said just so she could hear. "I am so sorry." Iris said before standing up and turning to look at Clove.

"You did this." Iris said walking closer to Clove. "His death is your fault. I watched you kill him." Iris said as Clove started backing up. "You killed my best friend when all of my other friends were already dead." Cloves back hit against the cornucopia making her come to a stop but Iris didn't stop she kept walking until she was in Cloves face. There faces were inches apart and this always made Iris feel something but not this time all she had left in her was rage.

Iris felt Cloves hand come up and touch her cheek. Iris kept fighting that feeling pushing it away over and over again but no matter how hard she tried that same feeling always bubbled back up to the surface and made its presence known.

Iris finally gave into the feeling and pressed her lips against Cloves. It was like a thousand fireworks went off inside her heart as their lips touched. She felt Cloves arms make their way up to her neck pulling her closer so Iris put her hands on her hips doing the same. Iris for once through this whole thing had a moment where she didn't feel like she was going to die. She felt like she was floating as they kissed. Her lips were so soft and gentle just like she was. Iris smiled into the kiss as she thought of the way her skin felt against Cloves.

Iris remembered Peeta as she pulled away from the kiss. Clove almost frowned at her for pulling away. Iris didn't say anything as she took her hands off of Cloves hips and started walking back around the cornucopia to get hers and Peeta's bag of medicine. But as Iris grabbed the bags she heard feet behind her. She turned around to be met with confused brown eyes. "What, miss me already." Iris said teasing. "Ha ha, but you can't just do that and walk away." Clove said still confused. "I just did because I am still mad at you about Gabe and right about know I can't form my feelings into words." Iris said as she started walking into the direction of Peeta. But once again she heard those same little footsteps behind her. Clove didn't say anything just walked behind her in silence.

They both approached Peeta who was still laying against tue tree. "Hey Peeta I got some medicine." Iris said kneeling down next to him. Peeta didn't respond and now that Iris looked at him he looked a little pale. She looked at his wound on his leg and it was bleeding, bad. Iris instantly put her hand over his wound trying to stop the bleeding. "Could you you know come and help me save him?" Iris asked Clove who was just standing off to the side. Clove came and knelt on the other side of Peeta but put her head on his chest. She looked at Iris who was looking at Peeta's wound. Iris looked back at Clove, "what are you doing?" Iris asked as Clove just looked at her with blank eyes. Iris knew that could only mean one thing, she put her head against his chest and heard no heartbeat. Tears filled her eyes once again as a cannon went off for Peeta. She kept her head there for a second before she felt Cloves hand on her cheek. As Cloves thumb started stroking Iris cheek tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried silently with her head on Peeta chest. Iris took her last lily from her pocket and put it in his hand and stood up.

She had completely forgotten about her bleeding arm when she started to get light headed. Iris looked at Clove as she tried to start walking but almost fell over as Clove caught her. Iris looked at Clove and tried to get back up again and walk but failed as she hit the ground, this time Clove didn't catch her. She hit the ground and saw Clove on top of her in her face telling her something but Iris couldn't hear her. Iris fought the darkness, opening her eyes before they closed all the way. But eventually the darkness overcame Iris.

  (A little bit of a shorter one but I personally think it was packed with a lot of stuff. Clove and Iris having their first kiss that's a big deal. If you have made it this far I hope you are enjoying the story still. I love you!! :)

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