Chapter 20

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Iris woke up to find her and Cloves body's still tangled from last night. Iris smiled to herself then she was met with those happy brown eyes and that glowing smile. Iris blushed a little bit before speaking, "How long have you been watching me sleep?" Iris asked razing her eyebrow at Clove. "Not to long just long enough for me to admire your perfect face." Clove said with a wink. Iris rolled her eyes and rolled over on her back. "Hey where you going?" Clove asked trying to pull Iris back closer to her. "Away from that mess." Iris said with a growing smirk as she tried to get up, but before she could get up Clove jumped on top of her. "Ready for a round three?" Iris smirked at the offer and shoved Clove off of her. "Yes but we all know who will win." Iris said as she stood up. Clove got to her feet, "We will see about that."

Clove lunged at Iris but as Iris went to dodge she tripped on a rock in the cave and hit the ground. "Man I didn't even have to do anything." Clove said as she got on top of Iris. "Shutup." Iris said putting her hand on Cloves face so she couldn't see. That gave Iris an opening to get out from under Clove. Iris wriggled her way out and stood up only too see Clove jumping at her feet. Iris fell forward on top of Clove. Iris grabbed her ankles as Clove tried to get up but as soon as Clove did get up Iris made her fall by pulling her ankles out from under her. Clove fell so Iris got on top of her. "One........" Iris said teasingly in Cloves ear. Clove then elbowed Iris in the ribs, but this was no normal elbow, it knocked to wind out of Iris. Iris fell backwards onto her back gasping for air. Clove slowly got on top of her and started counting. "One.............two..........." Clove paused for a second looking at Iris with that same genuine, glowing, perfect smile of hers. Iris tried one last time to struggle out from under her but it was no use. Clove leaned down really close to Iris's face, their lips almost touching. Iris always shivered when Clove got this close. "Three....." Clove said tauntingly.

Iris couldn't help herself with Clove being that close and teasing her. Iris pushed her lips into Clove. Clove flinched back but then fell into the kiss. Iris smiled at the feeling, it felt better every time they kissed no matter what. It was like Iris was falling in love all over again- wait in love, that's not right, right? Iris pushed that thought aside as she tried to deepen the kiss but Clove pulled away. Iris looked at Clove with a pouty face. "Don't make that face, we are leaving this cave today because I think Cato might be onto us." Clove said giving Iris a kiss on the cheek before getting up. "What makes you say that?" Iris asked sitting up. "A lot of things, and we can't sit down here forever or else the game makers might just come kill us themselves."

Iris got all of her stuff packed up in the medicine bag and just carried that around with her. She grabbed her axe that Thresh had, she frowned at it thinking about him but pushed it aside because now was not the time to be sad. She looked over at Clove to see her putting all of her knives in her vest. "Where did you get that vest?" Iris asked walking over to Clove. "Umm... from the cornucopia stupid." Clove said as she chuckled to herself. Hearing the sound of her chuckle made Iris's heart flutter like a butterfly. "Okay fair enough." Iris said throwing her hands in the air. "But...." Clove groaned when Iris said that which made Iris chuckle. "But how do you even throw a knife?" Iris asked intrigued. "I guess I  will have to teach you later." Clove said with a smirk as she was still packing her stuff up.

    Once Clove got all of her stuff packed up they headed out of the cave. Iris squinted at the light of the sun. "Man I feel like I haven't seen daylight in days." Iris said looking up at the sun. "That's because you haven't dumb dumb." Clove said as she turned to Iris giving her a peck on the lips. Iris pouted but within seconds was smiling. Clove turned around and started walking. But she quickly turned around and grabbed Iris's hand then kept walking. Iris had her axe in one hand ready for anything but Clove was as calm as ever just walking with a smile on her face. "So do you have a plan or are we just going to go for it?" Iris asked looking at Clove questionably. "I have a plan I'm just not telling you it." Clove said never looking at Iris but instead just kept looking forward smiling. Iris smirked "So I'm guessing you don't have a plan." "What no I just said I do have a plan." "Hmmm okay well then I would love to hear every detail about it." Clove just rolled her eyes playfully at Iris. "Fine,  so first we are going to stay in the tree line and see if we see Cato because if you think about it he is the only one still alive so it's one against two. We are going to see if we spot him and if we don't we are going to go hide out in the cornucopia, because he will eventually come back to it and we will be waiting to kill him." Clove said as she looked over at Iris who's mouth was open. "No way...... you had to have just made that up." Iris said mouth still open. "I told you I have a plan, I was just going to tell you later so you didn't forget." Clove said with a smirk. Iris didn't say anything she just hummed in agreement and looked forward.

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