Chapter 6

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Iris laid in bed for a little bit waiting for everyone to go to bed. When she heard no more noises outside she was going to head to the elevator. She headed for her door and opened it only to meet another pair of brown eyes. "Gabe what are you doing at my door this late?" Iris asked a little annoyed. "I was- I mean I was just- see what I was doing was-." Gabe rambled on unable to find the words he was trying to tell Iris "Well if you are not going to say words then go back to bed and tell me in the morning or something." Iris said still annoyed the he was at her door. Gabe sighed, put his head down, and without another word headed back to his bedroom. "Goodnight." Iris said as she felt bad for being so harsh on him. He turned around and gave her a sleepy smile. "Goodnight and don't forget about tomorrow." "I won't now go to bed sleepyhead." Gabe gave her an even bigger sleepy smile and Iris returned the smile as she closed her door. She waited a few minutes after hearing Gabe's door close then she snuck out to the elevator and clicked to roof button. When the doors opened she stepped out and looked around but sadly didn't see anybody. As she turned around to get back into the elevator someone shoved her and fell on the ground she then felt someone climb on top of her putting all of their body weight on her just to keep her down. She then felt this person lean down so close she could feel their breath on the back of her neck. Shivers went down her spine with each breath. "One......." Iris instantly knew what was happening but as much as she struggled she couldn't get out from under this person. "Two........" Iris squirmed even more trying to get out but she didn't get anywhere. "Three....... I win" Iris felt them let go and Iris turned around so that she was on her back with this person on top of her. "Not fair I wasn't ready." Iris pouted. "You have to be ready for whatever life throws at you expected or unexpected. Man, your right this position is really comfortable." "Yeah yeah now could you so kindly get off me princess." "Nope I'm good right here" "Ok if you say so." Iris picked Clove up and threw her over her shoulder. "Hey not fair I am way smaller than you." "Gotta be ready for what life throws at you whether it's bigger or smaller than you." "Ok sore loser." Clove pouted. "Fine I'll put you down." Iris said as she put Clove down in front of her and sat down on the edge of a building. Clove followed and sat down right next to her, a little closer than last time.
"What's your district like." Iris asked Clove out of pure curiosity. "Well my district is mainly known for its masonry and weapon manufacturing." Clove said as if she was trying to avoid something "Well yeah that's the basic stuff but like what's it really like." "It's in the Rocky Mountains and we are one of the largest communities in Panem." Iris looked at Clove knowing there was more to the story so she decided to keep pushing. "Ok let me put it this way what was your life like at district two." Iris asked curiously. Clove stayed silent so Iris put her hand over Cloves. "You know I'm here for you whenever if you don't want to talk that's fine but if you ever need to get something off your chest just tell me and I am here." Iris said with as much love as she could put in it. "I wasn't really living when I was in district two I was more of just a robot doing what my parents told me or what anyone told me really. Being a pawn in everyone else's game just so they could use me to get to the top." Clove started tearing up but didn't dare cry not here not now she couldn't be vulnerable in front of someone before the games. Iris noticed and squeezed her hand to show Clove that she was there for her in any way she needed her to be. "My parents told me if I didn't volunteer for the games this year they would kill me themselves just to prove a point." "They wouldn't of really killed you right?" Iris asked. Clove just looked at her tears threatening to spill, she ever so slightly shook her head yes. "Me and my parents weren't really the close happy family you imagine when you imagine a family. We were apart in many different ways, socially, mentally, and even physically. We couldn't even stand to be around each other long enough to have a simple conversation. So when they threatened me into volunteering I tried to look at it another way other than dying, I looked at it like it was a way escape from their world. A way to live my life not a their life." Iris didn't say anything because there was nothing to say her being there and listening was enough. Iris pulled Clove into a hug, Clove hesitated to hug back but then fell into Iris's arms and sat there for a second. "And I am really glad I volunteered because if I didn't I wouldn't have gotten to meet you." Clove looked up at Iris there faces being only inches apart. Iris could feel Cloves hot breath on her own lips. Iris's heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, she was surprised that clove couldn't hear it. They both leaned in and closed their eyes just before their lips connected the elevator dinged. Iris and Clove quickly untangled themselves and looked to see who was in the elevator. It was Gabe standing there with his mouth open and a hurt look in his eyes. "Gabe what on earth are you doing here." Iris asked wanting to kill him. "You- you weren't in your bed so I came to look for you." "You went in my bedroom!" "Well yes but it was only to see if you were in there." Gabe I told you to go to bed and leave me alone I am fine on my own and I don't need your protection!" Before Gabe could even respond the elevator doors closed and it started going back down. "You have got to be kidding me!" Iris shouted to no one in particular. "Calm down Iris." Clove said as she took Iris's hand in her own and squeezed it. Iris looked at her with rage ready to punch her or shove her but she didn't she just stood there. Iris looked down and saw their hands intertwined and focused on Cloves soft and gentle touch to calm down. Clove put her hand on Iris's cheek and started stroking it with her thumb. Iris melted into Cloves touch closing her eyes as she focused on Cloves touch. "Look at me." Iris opened her eyes and looked at Clove. "There you are. I think that's enough fresh air for you for one night." Clove said leading Iris to the elevator. It was silent for a while until Iris finally spoke "Sorry-" "You have nothing to apologize for now shutup."Clove said. Iris accepted defeat knowing there was no point in trying to argue with her, as she looked down she realized that their fingers were still intertwined. Iris smiled to herself as the elevator came to a stop at her floor. "Goodnight" Iris said shyly to clove. "Goodnight princess and you better get some sleep because I am not dealing with a cranky person like you tomorrow." Clove said in a serious yet joking tone. "Ok ok I will go to bed. Goodnight." "Goodnight." Clove said and just before the elevator doors closed Clove winked at Iris again. Iris smiled to herself and walked to her bedroom and got into her soft sheets. She rolled over and saw Max's flower on the table still alive and well. Once again Iris smiled to herself thinking about all the happy memories with Max and her mind racing with what just happened but through all that sleep finally found her.

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