Chapter 3

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    Iris kept waking up throughout the night because of nightmares this was usually normal for her because ever since she saw her dad die she was scarred for life, but this time it was different it wasn't only of her dad it was her dad in the hunger games dying from another person, but every time Iris went to chase that person she ended up losing them and dying, but she always woke up before she actually died.

     "GET UP!!" Porter shouted at Iris. She jumped up breathing heavily. "Well since you got your beauty sleep we need to discuss things over breakfast" porter walked off mumbling something about how it was already to late for breakfast. Iris got up as quick as she could and got ready then went out to breakfast. "Ah there is sleeping beauty, why don't you come and join us for a VERY late breakfast" Porter said as he strained the word very. Iris rolled her eyes and sat down and got some food as she looked at her plate she realized she had a lot of food on it. She had eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, and some other breakfast foods. It smelled like heaven but when she got a bite it was even better. They always say nothing is better than your mothers cooking, but this was really really good and better than what Iris's mother had ever made. " This is really good." Iris said out of nowhere. Gabe and Porter just looked at her. " Sorry" Iris said as she realized she had interrupted whatever conversation they were having. "You know for how big and strong you look you have a very soft personality" Porter said. Iris got angry at his statement and gave him a look that must of scared him because he quickly put his head down and Gabe started chuckling. "You were saying." Iris said gesturing for him to go on even though she was still giving him the look. He didn't dare make eye contact with her just quickly lifted his head and looked back at Gabe and continued talking. Iris was listening to their conversation about basic survival things when they heard cheering and clapping coming from outside. Iris quickly got up to go see what to commotion was and to her surprise she saw many faces that looked like Azalea. "Here we are the all mighty Capitol." Porter said. Gabe got up and came to the window and started waving at all of the people. The crowd cheered as the door opened for the two tributes to exit, peacekeepers surrounded them and took them to the stylists.

Iris was laying on a metal bed while the cartoon people washed her body which she didn't like. She knew she was very capable of washing herself but let the stylist do their job and didn't say anything to annoy them. Once they were done a woman came in the room who looked like she had been an animal turned into a human. The woman stuck her hand out towards Iris "Tigris" the woman said as they shook hands
"Iris" the woman smiled at her and walked out of the room just to come back with a whole rack of outfits. Iris was taken back by how many stunning outfits there were, some of them were bad but others were really pretty. "Take your pick" Tigris said as she took a step back. Iris got up and looked at each dress, she finally decided on a white dress with gold lacing and gold heels. Tigris helped her get dressed and helped her put the heels on. Iris had never walked in heels before so that was a whole learning curve for her as Tigris taught her. They were both having a pretty good time laughing when Iris fell or laughing when she tried to walk in the heels. Before it was time to go Tigris put some makeup on Iris, it was black eyeshadow with goldish wings that came out pretty far and to top it off some red lipstick. Tigris led her out of the room and to some horses along with Gabe and Porter. "You look wonderful." Porter said as he smiled. Gabe had on something similar to Iris. "Gold suits you." Gabe told Iris as he smiled at her. "Not so bad yourself." Iris said returning his smile. Over his shoulder she was met with dark brown eyes glaring at her. Iris returned the glare and the girl rolled her eyes and looked away. Iris smirked to herself knowing she just won whatever that was. "Clove, district 2." Porter said after he realized what Iris was staring at. Iris whipped her head around "She's a career!" Iris said just a little to loud "Shhh why are you always so loud." Porter said with annoyance. Iris scrunched up her face and turned around only to be met with those same dark brown eye but this time she was smirking at Iris. This time it was Iris's turn to roll her eyes.

After all of the tributes were ready everyone got on their chariot and road out of the tunnel into the light. Iris was quickly overwhelmed with all the people cheering and clapping and almost fell off the chariot but Gabe caught her and they both chuckled. They both started waving at everyone just when Iris felt something touch her hand. She quickly moved her hand away and kept waving but the thing came back except this time it grabbed her hand and held it in the air. Iris looked at Gabe to see him looking around at all of the people who cheered even louder as their chariot went by. When they got to the end the chariot stopped and president Snow stepped up on the podium and started saying his speech. "Welcome tributes... we welcome you to the 74th annual hunger games." President snows speech went on for a while but Iris really wasn't paying attention she was more interested in the brown eyed girl she made eye contact with earlier.
"...May the odds be ever in your favor." The chariots finally started moving again after his speech when they got back in the tunnel they were met by Porter and Tigris telling them how good they did but once again Iris looked at the brown eyed girl and made eye contact this time it wasn't a glare but it wasn't a smirk either it was something else Iris just couldn't tell what is was.

They were taken to the place they would be staying at for the next few days. Iris was still in awe because this was better than the train and she didn't think it could get much better than that but apparently it did.

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