Chapter 4

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    Iris tried to get sleep but reality finally came back every time she closed her eyes all she saw was death whether it was herself her dad, mom, or even sweet little Max. After fighting sleep Iris just decided to get up. She got up and put some more comfortable clothes on. When she got up no one else was awake. It was odd being awake when no one else was because it was like you had no one to boss you around. Iris sat in the living room for a little bit before deciding she needed some fresh air. She went to the elevator and clicked the button when it got to her floor she quietly stepped in and the doors closed and she clicked the button to go to the roof. The more floors that passed the darker her thoughts became, whether it was about her dad dying or her mother and Max being in the hunger games with her, or them dying and Iris not being able to do anything about it. She started to tear up hoping this elevator would hurry up but all this time of looking down Iris didn't even realize the elevator was going down. Iris's eyes got wide when it stopped at floor 2. She waited for the doors to open wiping off her tears knowing that no one else could see her like this, the doors opened and she was met with Cloves shocked face. "You coming?" Was all Iris could get out. Clove hesitated for a second then stepped into the elevator. Iris clicked the roof button again and this time made sure it was actually going up. "What exactly are you doing here?" Clove asked. "I could be asking you the same thing." Iris fired right back at Clove. "I asked you first." "I asked you second." "That doesn't mean anything I still asked you first." "Yeah and I asked you second, it's called answering a question with another question, keep up." Iris smirked at Clove as she was not able to even answer back for a little bit. "I am a career you can't talk to me that way, I am above you in-" "In what your district, your skills trust me princess you haven't even seen what I am able to do." Clove looked at her for a second then just huffed in annoyance and looked away. After some silence all you heard was the ding of the elevator going up floors. With each floor Iris felt worse for how she treated Clove. "I came up here to get some fresh air." Iris said after some time in silence Iris turned to Clove and stuck out her hand, Clove just looked at her not wanting to take her hand. "Okay then" Iris said just as she was about to take her hand away because it was pretty awkward Clove reached out and took her hand and shook it. Iris didn't know what to say for a second because the touch of Cloves hand. It was almost as soft as the cloud blanket on the beds and it was very gentle, so gentle she didn't even know if she was shaking her hand or not. "Your name is?" Clove spoke and looked at Iris with annoyed eyes waiting for an answer. "Right, name is Iris." " Clove" Just then the door to the elevator dinged the door opened to the roof Iris slowly stepped out of the elevator and onto the roof. Breathing in as deep as she could, the fresh air almost burning her lungs when she inhaled so deeply. "Enjoying the fresh air?" Clove asked with a smirk. "I mean yeah what else would I be doing." Iris said as she returned the smirk. Cloves smirk dropped as she walked to the side of the building and sat down, and with nothing else to do Iris followed. "Why are you following me?" "What do you want me to do go on the other side." " I mean at this point yeah." " I'm pretty sure that would make it even more awkward just from a farther distance." Clove once again rolled her eyes and just looked the other way. As she did this gave Iris the chance to admire her, her skin looked soft and smooth like glass, Iris had touched it when they shook hands but admiring it from a far it looked even better, her dark brown hair in a braid that went down her back as if each strand had been perfectly placed even though she put it up just before getting onto the elevator, her mouth which was usually frowning looked so soft how could she be that mad all of the time when she looked like that. Iris couldn't quite see her eyes but from what she saw they-. "You know it's rude to stare." Clove said smirking at Iris. Iris usually always has something to say but this time she couldn't find any words so she just looked down trying to hide the fact she was blushing because she just got caught staring. "Hm for once you didn't have anything to say. I wonder why that is." Iris still couldn't find words so she just hummed in agreement while still looking down. "You want to know what's crazy. The fact that in a few days I will have a knife to your throat." Clove said. "In your dreams you couldn't get a knife against my throat if you wanted to." Iris teased. "Alright "princess" I will take you up on the offer training tomorrow you and me in the ring." "Fine tomorrow it is." "Alright that's enough fresh air for me" Clove said as she got up and went to the elevator and right before it closed Clove winked at Iris. Suddenly Iris felt like she was missing something. It wasn't a thing it was more of a feeling. She felt cold inside to a point where it made her chill. She got up and went and pressed the button to the elevator and stepped inside. Her mind was racing with everything that just happened, pushing all of those dark thoughts aside for a little bit. When she got back down to her floor everyone was still asleep so she just quietly got back in bed. Maybe it was just the fresh air but now Iris was able to sleep just fine. Sure, she woke up here and there from nightmares but not enough to where she couldn't sleep.

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