Chapter 8: Embracing Self-Acceptance and Overcoming Body Image Issues

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Delicia's experience with PCOS has been characterized by ongoing battles and problems with her body image. She experiences a range of feelings each day when she awakens and longs for a return to normalcy and release from the psychological and physical restrictions imposed by her illness. The mirror turns into a battleground, showing the obvious signs of PCOS that bring on the sobs and a feeling of hopelessness.

Dealing with unwelcome hair growth, especially the beard and mustache that constantly remind Delicia of her condition, is one of the most difficult elements for her. Her annoyance is only increased by the unsolicited advise given by others regarding shaving or hair removal products. She is aware that because her PCOS is the underlying problem, these band-aid fixes won't offer a long-term cure. The social pressure to adhere to traditional beauty standards makes it difficult to achieve acceptance.

Dressing herself every day becomes a struggle as Delicia struggles to find clothes that fit her figure and don't draw attention to her protruding tummy. All of her efforts, including exercise, dieting, and drastic measures like starving, seem to be ineffective against the obstinate belly fat. Her self-esteem suffers as a result of the remarks made by others that imply she is pregnant or criticize her appearance. Delicia wishes for compassion, empathy, and understanding instead of judgment and criticism.

PCOS manifests in other ways too, such as acne, skin tags, and hyperpigmentation. Delicia tirelessly searches for remedies, experimenting with home remedies and various acne creams, only to be met with disappointment. The visible blemishes on her skin become a constant reminder of her struggle and fuel the belief that she falls short of society's unrealistic beauty standards.

Delicia wonders why people are so eager to criticize and criticise individuals who don't fit the mold in a world where unrealistic standards of beauty are the norm. She is burdened by society expectations, which place a strict standard of beauty above all else. She feels inadequate and unattractive because the idea of beauty is focused on physical characteristics like flat stomachs, large buttocks, flawless skin, and particular body proportions. Delicia questions whether her value is only determined by the way she looks or whether there is any value in inner beauty, kindness, and compassion in this beauty-obsessed society.

It is impossible to overstate the effect of other people's harsh words and deeds. Delicia has wept a great deal over their remarks, both in private and just before going to sleep. She understands the admonition to not give a damn about what other people think, but she finds it really difficult to do. She has worries that affect every part of her life because she has PCOS. It's easier said than done to let go of the pain that other people have caused.

Delicia has moments where she wonders if she should give up. She is asking herself why she was picked to carry the burden of PCOS and has turned to prayer. She questions whether she done anything wrong to deserve this situation or whether she is in some way cursed. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope remains.

Delicia's path is not exclusively characterized by the difficulties she encounters. It's about coming to terms with one's own particular beauty and learning to accept oneself. Delicia is on a mission to redefine beauty for herself, while the world may attempt to do so through a limited perspective. Beyond the limits of conventional expectations and the restrictions of physical appearance, she is determined to find the beauty that exists within.

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