Chapter 11: Embracing Her Journey

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Delicia had discovered her life's work and purpose. She became more knowledgeable about PCOS and the part insulin resistance played in it as a result of her love for Donald and her desire to create a future with him.

One common aspect of PCOS is insulin resistance, which occurs when the body's cells start to become less responsive to the hormone insulin. The pancreas produces more insulin as a result, which elevates the amount of insulin in the blood, to make up for this. This extra insulin may cause the ovaries to produce more androgens like testosterone, which would disrupt the body's normal hormonal balance and worsen PCOS symptoms.

With this information in hand, Delicia made deliberate dietary and behavioral adjustments. She made the decision to reduce her intake of processed carbs and refined sweets after realizing how sugar and carbohydrates affected her insulin levels. She was more concerned with including whole,unprocessed foods in her meals. Along with practicing portion control, she introduced intermittent fasting and eventually cut back on the amount of meals she ate each day.

Delicia started with a 10-to-14-hours fasting window, going without food for 10 hours and then eating within 14 hours. She eventually increased her fasting time to a 16-hours daily fast. In order to satisfy her appetites and keep a positive relationship with food, she made the decision to skip breakfast and consume two well-balanced meals within her eating window.

Delicia also made time for regular exercise in her daily schedule. After each meal, she began to walk for 10 to 60 minutes to help control her blood sugar levels. This small habit improved her general wellbeing and helped with digestion.

Delicia made sure to stay hydrated by consuming half her body weight in water each day to support her efforts. She also believed in using natural treatments, such as drinking clove and cinnamon water every morning and evening. These herbs had a reputation for perhaps lowering blood sugar and promoting insulin sensitivity.

The change Delicia went through was amazing. She lost more than 60 pounds and noticed major adjustments to her body composition. Her hips shrank from 42 to 36 inches, while her waist shrank from 40 to 34 inches. She experienced significant changes in both her physical appearance and general well-being as a result of losing weight.

Delicia noticed a noticeable shift in her sleeping habits as the weight came off. She could now sleep soundly for 8 to 9 hours every night, and when she woke up, she felt refreshed and reenergized. Her long-lasting sense of sadness and fear started to disappear as a newfound sensation of joy and calm took its place.

Extremely tense situations and unpredictable emotions are a thing of the past. Delicia had a newfound vigor and enthusiasm for life. She had grown both physically and mentally as a result of her PCOS journey, becoming the finest version of herself.

Throughout her transformation, Donald stood by her side as a continual source of inspiration and support. He constantly served as an inspiration for her determination and endurance, encouraging her to keep trying. Donald believed that Delicia's PCOS experience gave her the potential to motivate others rather than be in vain.

Delicia and Donald came to the realization that by sharing her PCOS experiences, she may connect with other women and girls going through a similar ordeal. They understood how important it was to share her story, to support her, and to raise awareness of PCOS. Delicia was determined to use the lessons she had learned about the value of community and understanding from her battle with PCOS to inspire others in their fight against the condition.

With newfound purpose and a deep sense of gratitude, Delicia embraced her role as an advocate and supporter for those living with PCOS. Delicia embraced her role as an advocate for PCOS, becoming a beacon of hope for others facing the challenges of the condition. She shared her story openly, connecting with girls and women who had felt alone in their struggles. Through her words, she offered solace, understanding, and a sense of community.

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