05. a happy dragon

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↳ chapter five ₊˚

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↳ chapter five ₊˚.༄
[# a happy dragon]

ALTHOUGH MARCO GREETED HER WITH A GOOD MORNING, IANA'S HEART would beg to differ. She remembered finding Piper last night with a blanket wrapped around her shoulder. She looked distraught but tried to hide it from Iana, plastering her face with a smile. Unsuccessfully, of course.

"Pipes!" Iana called as she rushed over to the glammed girl.

Far away from the warmth of the campfire, the night was cold. The wind pierced her skin, causing goosebumps to form on her exposed arm. Piper smiled tiredly at her as the short haired girl slipped an arm around her shoulder, rubbing up and down once she noticed how cold her skin was. "Hey, Iana. You're not going to your cabin yet?"

Iana looked around as a couple of stray campers chatted outside of their cabins, lingering outside of their doors. "I am, but I had to see you." Because I miss you. "Are you going on the quest?"

Piper nodded and Iana almost felt herself leaning in before realizing their current state. Iana's expression fell and her hand dropped from her shoulder, turning her head away. It was still hard for her to accept that Piper had forgotten all about them, only remembering the fact they shared a strong platonic love for each other. But it was never just platonic.

"Hey, what's the frown for?" Piper asked, her brows furrowed as she leaned closer to the girl, softly pushing her chin up. "Not sad about me going on the quest are you? Would you have preferred Drew?"

A dry chuckle left Iana's lips at her teasing, her expression lightening. "No of course not, I'm just..." Worried I might not be able to keep this heartbreak to myself. "Scared you might get hurt."

"Says the Illusionist who's destined for great power or death." Piper's tone was light, but her face was full of worry. She let her head rest on Iana's shoulder. "What you did back there was..."

"Weird? Sudden? Too much?"

"I'll admit, it wasn't something I expected. But I never knew you could do that."

The short haired girl let out a sigh, scratching the back of her neck. "Me neither. Oh, we've reached your cabin."

Piper jerked her head up and groaned, her shoulders slouching. "Save me,"

"Hey, I'm sure the rest of your siblings are nice." Iana tried to look at the bright side, her eyes avoiding the intensely pink cabin. "Besides, not everyone can be as shitty as Drew."


That night, she fell asleep later than she would have, the shadow lingering in the small corner of the room made it difficult to feel safe in her own cabin. By sunrise, she had already woken up, her head far too much a mess for her to fall back to sleep.

( ✓ ) Evermore, Piper McLean¹ Where stories live. Discover now