30. a kiss for your forgiveness?

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↳ chapter thirty ₊˚

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↳ chapter thirty ₊˚.༄
[# a kiss for your forgiveness?]

IANA STAYED BEHIND TO TALK TO LEO FOR A MOMENT. SHE COULDN'T just walk away from a big moment and not say anything. But she didn't linger for too long, not wanting to be a bother and break his enthusiastic spirit. With one last side hug and ruffle of his hair, she left the bunker.

Iana momentarily forgot that they had been in the middle of a forest, the lush greenery stunning her before she picked up her pace. She's started to get used to their new setting, that Camp Half-Blood will always have a set weather, that there's always something mystical in the air that just adds to the life that campers live.

The short haired girl had immersed herself in the surroundings so much, she hadn't noticed the hurried footsteps from behind. "EJ!" a familiar voice called out. "Iana! Hold up!"

Her brows shot up as her head turned to catch a glimpse, taking in Piper's urgent figure. "Oh, uh, hi Pipes."

The next thing she knew, her body had been wrapped in a warm embrace. Iana would have hugged back if the Aphrodite girl hadn't pulled away so quickly. "How are you feeling? You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, I'm better," she smiled, hoping to reassure her worried friend. "Thanks for catching me when I fainted."

"Of course. Look, I wanted to talk about..." Piper hesitated, taking a quick glance around them. "Well, us."

Iana's brows furrowed as she instinctively took hold of her hand. "But, I told you we'll be okay."

Piper shook her head firmly. "That isn't enough for me. I'll start off by saying, I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so, sorry. And I know no amount of sorry I say will make things better. But I'm sorry." The brunette paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. "For breaking your heart. For being a horrible friend."

And Iana knew she meant it. Why else would she seek her out in the middle of the woods when she could have just gone back to her cabin? Besides, no one could deny the desperation that was present in her eyes and how she spoke.

Iana stroked her hand softly, taking a moment to decide what to say. "It wasn't your fault, Pipes. You weren't the one who decided to have faux memories of a relationship you never had. And I'm sorry, too," she added. "For being so self centered on our quest and putting so much pressure on you."

Piper brushed her words off. "Doesn't matter. I hurt you, even if it was unintentionally. And I can tell, a part of you hasn't forgiven me."

"We hurt each other." Iana clarified, letting the silence fill the atmosphere. "So... what do you think we should do now?"

"Well, we have months ahead of us before our next voyage." Piper started. "Maybe... we can start over? Please? A kiss for your forgiveness, even?"

Iana chuckled, the corners of her eye wrinkling. "I'd like that, but first, I better make sure that kiss is worth it."

( ✓ ) Evermore, Piper McLean¹ Where stories live. Discover now