20. mother nature is evil

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↳ chapter twenty ₊˚

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↳ chapter twenty ₊˚.༄
[# mother nature is evil]

IANA WAS SEVEN YEARS OLD WHEN SHE FIRST KNEW SHE WAS 'DIFFERENT'. Her father had been running late and couldn't pick her up from school on time, so she sat on the swings at a nearby park as she waited, a half finished juice bottle in hand. Another kid had approached her that day, a girl with black hair that reached her shoulders and tan skin that made her look sun kissed.

"Hi, " the stranger greeted with her hands behind her back.

"Hi," Iana waved, pulling her jacket tighter around herself.

The girl took a seat on the swing next to her, a curious look on her face. "Why aren't you home?"

"My dad is stuck in traffic," Iana explained, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Can't you take the bus?" her new friend continued to ask.

"He's scared I'll get lost or kidnapped if I do,"

"Oh," the stranger had an unreadable expression, her eyes looking around the park. "Do you have a game we can play?"

"Mmm, maybe. But you can't freak out."

She gave her a smile. "Of course I won't."

With her approval, young Iana kicked the ground and started swinging, knowing she had a head start. "Whoever can swing the highest wins!"

Stranger pouted. "But I don't know how to swing!"

"I can help you,"

"How? You're all the way up there,"

With a flick of her fingers, the swing beside her started moving, its speed and height increasing with every second. Iana thought her new friend would be appreciative of the gesture, but the only response was a high pitched scream filled with so much fear Iana abruptly stopped the motion, making the swing drop.

Once it was considered safe to step down, the stranger got off the swing and ran away, screaming. "You're a witch!"

"But I was only trying to help..." Iana hopelessly yelled back. 

With a sigh, the dark haired girl slouched in her seat, tears threatening to fall. She had never been great at making friends after all. Most people were too scared of her just because she was different. Now she was alone again.

"Don't listen to her," a sudden voice from behind Iana caught her off guard, making her whip her head around so fast her neck hurted. Staring at her was a girl with dark hair and bangs, a soft smile on her face. The girl took a seat on the swing beside her and started swinging on her own. "Everyone knows Kaylee is boring like that." she continued.

( ✓ ) Evermore, Piper McLean¹ Where stories live. Discover now