01. boyfriend?

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↳ chapter one ₊˚

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↳ chapter one ₊˚.༄
[# boyfriend?]

     PERHAPS HER EYES WERE DECEIVING HER, BUT IANA DIDN'T REMEMBER a blonde guy sitting next to her girlfriend, no less holding hands with her. You see, her day had gone in order perfectly. She woke up on the right side of her bed, picked her outfit in less than ten minutes, and went through the entirety of breakfast without causing a scene (aka avoiding the popular girl's table and keeping her hair a relatively similar shade).

     Leo had forced the Piper and Iana apart, claiming they 'couldn't keep their hands off each other'. For the sake of contradicting his words, the pair of friends sat across from each other on the bus, not side-by-side. Except, nearing the end of their journey, Iana noticed the once empty seat beside Piper was now occupied by a... puzzled stranger. It was easy for her to catch a glimpse of something so misplaced as him.

     Instead of confronting the brunette beside him, Iana turned her attention toward the stranger. "I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

     The sudden question caught his attention, along with two other people sitting in the same row. Piper chuckled as confusion and amusement flashed across her face, meeting the girl's gaze. "Are you serious, EJ?"

     "Um, yes." she further deadpanned. "I would like to know who the stranger sitting across from me is, thank you very much."

     At the front of the bus, Coach Hedge's booming voice cut whatever remark Leo was about to spew short. "All right, cupcakes, listen up!"

     Ignoring whatever statement Coach Hedge had to say, Iana leaned over and whispered to Piper. "Look, I don't know if this is some sick prank, but please, cut it out."

     A look of betrayal took over the tan-skinned girl's face, her lips down turning the moment those words were heard. "This isn't a sick prank, Iana. Jason's my boyfriend, of course, he would be sitting next to me. Why are you so... mad?"

     Iana backed away from Piper, a small crack in her heart slowly growing. Boyfriend? She truly hoped the saying 'eyes are the windows to the soul' was true, because merely one glance at her eyes could tell anyone the wound that her face hid. Her mind tried to conjure a plausible reason or even an excuse for her girlfriend to ever say those words.

     There were none.

     Unable to contain her disbelief, Iana managed to breathe out, "He's not your boyfriend, Pipes."

     "I'm not," Jason agreed with her, giving Piper an apologetic look once he noticed her shattered expression and shifted his gaze between the three of them. "I'm sorry, but, I don't know any of you. This is some kind of mistake, I'm not supposed to be here."

     Leo, who had been fiddling with one of his inventions beside Iana, turned to look at Jason and failed to contain his amusement. "Yeah, right. We've all been framed! I didn't run away six times. Iana didn't perform witchcraft on her old neighbors. Piper didn't steal a BMW."

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