26. iana's shadow man

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↳ chapter twenty-six ₊˚

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↳ chapter twenty-six ₊˚.༄
[# iana's shadow man]

IANA WAS SURROUNDED BY WOLVES. NOT EXACTLY THE MOST DESIREABLE opponent in a fight, especially when her weapon wasn't made out of silver but, she'll manage. Fighting came naturally to her, either because she was a troubled kid or it was just the demigod instincts. Jason and her had been fighting side by side until he decided to deal with the storm spirits, which was a reasonable excuse.

That only left her with a half useful dagger, semi-effective spells, and her lovely shadow that decided to finally pay a visit.

"Think you're gonna make yourself useful now?" Iana asked as she pressed the hilt of her dagger against the wolf, throwing it to the ground. Of course, the shadow said nothing. The short haired girl punched another wolf and stared at her dagger, frustrated with a weapon that couldn't finish the job. Unless...

If she had been named the most powerful Illusionist even before her birth, perhaps she could make those illusions come true. Muttering a small prayer to her mother, she waved her hand over her dagger, casting an illusion spell to make it look like the dagger was made out of silver.

Mother, if you're listening, please help me.

Iana tightened her grip on the handle. Another wolf launched at her but this time, she slashed, cutting through the animal's eye. She didn't wait and see if she'd been successful before taking the wolf in her arms and twisting its neck. It took her a moment to realize what she'd had done, staring at her hands in disbelief.

A low growl from behind her brought her back to her senses, and without thinking twice, Iana hurled her dagger toward the wolf's neck, watching as the weapon lodged itself onto its throat, the wolf falling limp against the ground.

Iana's eyes widened before she rushed to retrieve her dagger, a hint of excitement in her eyes. The sliver of hope continued to stick throughout the fight as she took down wolf after wolf. Amongst the chaos, she caught glimpses of her friends.

Piper was surrounded by Earthborn, but she seemed to be holding her own. She was impressive as she fought, almost glowing with beauty, that the Earthborn stared at her in awe, forgetting that they were supposed to kill her. They'd lower their clubs and watch dumbfounded as she smiled and charged them. They'd smile back- until she sliced them apart with her dagger, and they melted into mounds of mud.

Leo had taken on Khione herself. While fighting a goddess should've been suicide, Leo was the right guy for the job. She kept summoning ice daggers to throw at him, blasts of winter air, tornadoes of snow. Leo burned through all of it. His whole body flickered with red tongues of flame like he'd been doused with gasoline. He advanced on the goddess, using two silver-tipped ball-peen hammers to smash any monsters that got in his way.

( ✓ ) Evermore, Piper McLean¹ Where stories live. Discover now