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Stan's POV:

The only words that can describe how I've woken up is comfortable pain, I don't remember much about the previous night except me and wendy are no longer going to be hand in hand In marriage when we are older like we planned but honestly I dont care as much as I did the first time we broke up. My head pounding but it didnt effect me I was comfortable in my bed. Wait. This isn't my bed. In fact this isn't even a bed, ITS KYLE'S BATHROOM FLOOR!? The sounds that are coming from Kyle can only be described as uncomfortable snores. His head leaning on the wall while his body is on the floor. The fumes of sick filled my nose, my face crinkled at the smell. My head pounding like a bunch of 6th graders jumping around In the corridor above me. I grabbed my head with my hands and stood up, I stood up and stumbled a bit before feeling an arm wrap around my waist..

Kyle's POV:

I grab Stan's waist as soon as I wake up. I see him stumble and almost hit his head. I groggily stand up and sit him down on the toilet seat. He's hungover, really bad. I grab his shoulders and stare at his bloodshot eyes, his blank expression is scary. Sweating badly and he's quietly panicking. I sigh and walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. (Sorry if this is short idk what to write here 😅)

Stan's POV:

I feel dead. I think I've died. Have I died? I pinch myself to make sure I haven't died. I havent I'm still alive but only a little bit. I see Kyle walk back in with a glass of water and some paracetamol he hands them to me and stands back. I take them and look at Kyle. We dont say anything he just reaches out his hand for me to take so I did that, he took me to his bedroom and helped me into the bed because I'm extremely dizzy it feels like hours before I fall asleep again but it was minutes I was tired from all the mental and physical strength I had to use to lift myself off the floor.

Kyles POV:

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, overthinking over everything. My mind is racing when Tweek texts me. 'How's it going with Stan?' He texts. 'Not good,' I respond fairly quickly, 'He came over drunk last night again and is being a baby over Wendy again.' 'Damn-, maybe you should tell him- about your crush on him-' I hear footsteps down the hallway and quietly and quickly shove my phone in my pocket. Stan appears in the hallway looking fucked up and for once is actually quiet around me. He quints at me then slowly makes his way down the hallway to me. He plops next to me and buries his head in a stray pillow. "I feel like shit- What happened last night?" "First of all you puked on my carpet twice and almost 3 times which I had to clean up and you passed out from drinking *air quotes* 69 drinks." He sighs and buries his head in the pillow once more. "You ...also broke up with Wendy."

Stan's POV:

A wave of guilt flushed over my body knowing Kyle had to deal with all the shit I had dumped on him last night. He looked exhausted he clearly didnt get much sleep, "Oh God dude I'm so sorry about that.." I spoke. Everybody knew I'm a sloppy drunk so they put me in the hands of Kyle when I get like it so I got used to running to him with the shitty depressing details of my life. The one thing he actually feels bad about I already remember, me breaking up with Wendy. "It's okay Stan I know it's not been easy for you." He replies taking me out of my deep thoughts. "I remember breaking up with Wendy.." I spit out. "I'm so sorry she did that again to you.." He apologized. She had cheated on me with Tolkien again, that was the 3rd time she had done this.

Kyles POV:

I fucking hate Wendy. Stan doesn't deserve this. He's laying on my couch and looks awful,his hair is a mess and he smells bad. "Dude you need to take a bath-" I gag. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, preparing Stan's bath. I make sure the water is the right temperature and I even put some bubbles in. Walking out I see him laying on my couch still, "Stan are you hungry?" Muffled mumbles from the pillow. "I'll make you some toast." The toaster dings which makes me remember that the bath is running still. I ran to the bathroom and shut off the water. Water is everywhere, on the floor, soaking the bathmat, soaking my socks, and the cuff of my pajama pants-. All that has happened starts sinking in,and I just start bawling.

Stan's POV:

I'm in pain everything hurts the break up is getting to me but the stress isn't hurting me as much as its hurting somebody else. The cries echoing through the silent house, I stood up taking shaky steps through the house keeping my hand on everything I pass by to try and keep myself up. I stumbled up the stairs and into the bathroom, my eyes scanned the crushed boy.

Kyles POV:

Stan sees me before I see him. "Kyle?" He mumbles, "Stan! I uh-" I scramble to stand up, "I- b-be careful the floors sti-"I almost slip on the damp floors."Kyle" I look at him. "Stan..." He looks terrible as I mentioned before, with his tired eyes and messy hair. He stumbles over and brushes my stray hair from my tear stained face. Oh my fucking god- We're so fucking close. We stand in the bathroom, staring at each other for? I don't even know how long before I say, "Stan, I uh- you need to go back and take a nap on the couch, your still hungover-" I pull away and turn around to hide my burgundy face. I feel him stare at my back for a bit, before he stumbles away.

Stan's POV:

I knew Kyle needed help but he didn't want to admit it, that's what I want to help him with. I want him to open up and tell me he's not okay. I stumbled back into the living room onto the couch thinking about how his day could possibly get worse and then I see him come down the stairs wiping tears away. He walks right by me so I grab his hand. "Stan?!" He questions "what are you doing?" I pulled him down so he was lying with me. "Kyle calm down.." I softly whispered in his ear. "You need this break." I wrapped my arms around him and clasped my hands together around his waist. "Stan.."  "I need to clean up the house." He argued. "Kyle we can do that later just calm down and go to sleep." I held onto him tighter and he eventually gave up I felt the muscles in his body give up and let the tension go. He did what I said. He relaxed and went to sleep with my head on his shoulder and my arms around his waist.

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