- Alive-

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Kyle's POV:

Am I dead? I see bright lights, is this heaven?  I slowly blink, Wait- This isn't heaven, a...HOSPITAL? I blink awake and see multiple doctors and my parents hovering over me. I try to sit up but I'm restrained by tubes and wires attached to my body. A doctor leans over and slightly and gently pushes me down so I don't sit up. "Try not to move much, Kyle" He explains, " You're still very sick." I stare at him and feel the anger building up inside of me, " I don't want to be 'sick'" I mock, "I WANT TO BE DEAD!" I quickly try to sit up but multiple doctors push me down and are screaming words while I kick and yell. It's frantic yelling and pushing until someone sticks a needle into my arm and I pass out.I wake up again and I'm panicked but the room is empty except for one single doctor near the door. I'm in a different room as well, somewhere with a window and a pretty view. The doctor speaks up, " You have a visitor, would you like me to bring them in?" I don't respond, even if I wanted to I couldn't, it felt like my heart was in my throat. The doctor sees my small and subtle nod and walks out the door. He speaks to someone and then ushered them in. My vision is a bit blurry so my eyes take a minute to adjust. "Kyle?" Stan whispers. I stare directly at him but say nothing, I don't want to speak to him. "Kyle.." I look out the window and ignore him. Tears fall down my face and my whole body hurts. "Kyle...why.." Stan whimpers "I just want to know why you did it.." I cross my arms even though it hurts and the tubes get tangled. "I did it," I say with a raspy voice, "Because I didn't want to live anymore, I told you this." He looks at his hands.

Stan's POV:

I stay silent, unsure of what to say the words left my body. "Stan.." Kyle quietly spoke.. "I dont want to suffer anymore... but I don't want you to suffer either I'll get help I promise.." "I love you Stan, please remember that." "I love you too Kyle please dont leave me yet.. I've never told you but I've always wanted to spend the rest of my days in your arms, watch the sunset on a house roof together, grow old, go on dates, adopt children and more.." I confess to him...

Kyle's POV:

I stare out the window and say, "I love you Stan, but that isn't the life I imagine," I sigh, " I don't want to be abused and abused over an over again by everyone all the time. I don't want to live." Something breaks the silence and we both look up. The doctor that was guarding my door was being bombarded with yelling. The door slams open and Butters comes running towards us balling his eyes out and screaming. Kenny follows after and Cartman is flipping everyone off and screaming random swear words. Butters and Kenny pile onto me and hug me to death and I can't breathe, thank god maybe they'll suffocate me. Stan sits up and shoved them off me and more people stream in the room,  Craig, and Tweek. As they all pile on top of me. I feel calmer when they crawl back, I sink back down and I feel tired. The doctors and security guards come in the room and escort everyone out. I ask them to keep Stan in the room but they take him away anyway.  And I'm left in a empty white room again.

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