Affect (Effect?)

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Kyles POV:

It's been 2 days since the interaction between Stan. I'm still shaken up from that night, my face has been red all weekend. I stand at the bus stop, not wanting Stan to show up because I'm super embarrassed. Cartman is picking on Kenny and Butters, I stand apart not paying attention to anything or anyone other than- "Hey Kyle!" He (Stan)shouts about 15 feet from the bus stop. "Oh uh- Hey," I responded nervously. Cartman stops bullying Kenny and Butters for long enough to start teasing us. "Kyle? Is he your boooyyfrriieenndd?" That's when Kenny socked him in the jaw, hard. "OWWWEE!" Cartman screeched, clutching his cheek. Kenny smirked then looked at me. "Woah dude-" I hear someone behind me chuckle, I jump about 4 feet and whip around. It's Stan of course but it still spooked me. "Damn dude- Are you okay?" Stan looked a bit worried, "I'm not okay!" Cartman wailed as a purple splotch formed on his 3rd chin. "Not you Fatass-" Stan says glaring at Cartman before looking back at me, "Kyle-?" "I'm fine!" I said a bit too harshly, I saw Stan's face fall and he looked away.

Stan's POV:

Kyle's tone of voice made me upset I just wanted to comfort him but he wont take anybody's help. The school bus arrived and we all got on it taking out designated seats. Kenny and Butters, Me and Kyle and Cartman taking up two seats because he's so fat. Kyle tried to ignore me but I wasn't gonna let that happen, I tapped his shoulder. No response. I pulled on his arm. No response. I grabbed his hat.. "STAN JUST STOP I DONT WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU!" He screamed at me. The whole bus went silent. "Looks like Kyle's on his period again, anybody got any tampons?" Cartman broke the silence. "SHUT UP FATASS!" Me and Kyle said in sync. I looked around the bus and caught eyes with Craig. He was giving me a look that said. 'Hey dude, your gay just kiss already.' Tweek was giving me the same look. His pale blue eyes staring into my soul. I turned back to face Kyle because I could feel him staring into my back, he looked extremely apologetic.

Kyle's POV:

Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh to Stan. We are walking off the bus and I speed away without another word. The stress I have been put through my whole life is finally settling down in my mind. I find a bathroom and start crying again, while everything is being thought and rethought in my mind over and over again. I can't be gay, I won't be, my parents can't know, Stan hates me, I hate myself, I-. Fuck- Someone walks in the bathroom and I have to muffle my cries in my sleeves. I curl up in a ball and continue sobbing with my mouth covered by my arms. When the person in the bathroom leaves I stand up shakily and start to class, which made me realize that me and Stan sit next to each other in every class we have. I walk into math class, still shaken and noticed Stan staring at me concerningly, while I throw myself in my chair and face away from him as much as I could. He keeps staring at me, he knows I've been crying, I know he knows, but I don't really give a fuck anymore.

Stan's POV:

I stare at Kyle, I was right. He's a wreck. His anguish rubbing off on me. I don't know how to help him, that was one of my biggest flaws although he always denied that it was a flaw. Craig has the same problem, except he has Asperger's Syndrome which I don't have. I look at Kyle and down at his leg, Its shaking really badly. Even though we are on the second row I put my hand on his knee. I feel it slow down but then it speeds up again, his breathing getting heavier, His hands shaking and eyes darting round the room not being able to focus on anything. Then I notice the look in his eyes. The tears forming. My brain thinking for a second before I move my hand to grab his bag. I swing it over my back and grab my bag with one hand and his hand in my other. He gives my a look of 'please get me out of here' so that's what I do. I look at the teacher and motion my head in Kyle's direction and the teacher nods. Mr Arnold knew about my drinking addiction and my depression so he let's me go when I need to but he didn't know about Kyle and clearly nobody else did because their faces held the expression of 'What's wrong with Kyle' and 'Kyle isn't well?'. We walk out the room and into the corridor, I place our bags down and look in his eyes. The tears had already started flowing down his face again, I feel something inside me. That feeling. Except it's different.. Love and.. Sadness. Kyle's face giving off that same feeling..

Kyle's POV:

I want to die. This is so awkward and I want to die. I sink to the floor and curl into a ball, Stan sinks with me. I cover my arms around my face and just let the tears roll down. I don't know how long we sat there for but it was long enough for the bell to ring. Most people walked right past us, even snickering at how pathetic I looked. Except Kenny and Butters, they noticed us and stopped in front of us. Butters plopped down on the floor and Kenny followed closely after. Butters opened his bag and pulled something out, a sheet of paper? Stan also looked confused but Kenny just smiled. A sticker sheet? What's this gonna- Butters placed a Hello Kitty sticker on my hat and stood up. He walked over to Stan and placed a Cinnamoroll sticker on Stan's hat as well. Kenny looked at us and started smiling softly with his eyes. He also stood up and patted my hat before walking away with Butters. I started crying harder because my parents rarely showed me any affection like that. Stan hugs me and lets me sob.

Stan's POV:

I wasn't always the best person to comfort somebody but Kyle needs this right now. There has been times where I've been over his house and Ike has done something and blamed it on Kyle and Kyle's been shouted at while he's trying to defend himself, I tried too but Kyle told me to go home and I never found out what happens after that but he ends up coming to school the next day with bright red under eyes. We had been sat on the floor Kyle sobbing when I felt a hand on my shoulder I look up and see Clyde, Tweek and Craig, they point into a room nobody is in and tell me and Kyle to go in there because people were staring. They grab out stuff and take it into the classroom. I stood Kyle up and I took his hand, they fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces, I help him into the classroom and sat him on a chair before saying goodbye to the others and thanking them.  I moved a chair in front of Kyle and lifted his chin and wiped away his tears and take his hands in mine. "Kyle what's wrong and please be honest." I asked him. He opened his mouth and started explaining everything..

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