-Make Up-

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Kyle's POV:

I am buried into my blankets as there's frantic knocking on the door. I hear Ike run downstairs and giggling when he opens the door, he races back up and kicks open my door. "KYLE!" I jump about 3 feet in the air and peer at him, "Your boyfriend is here!" Fuck- "Just uh- tell him I'm not home or something-" Ike runs back downstairs and says to Stan, "Kyle told me to tell you he isn't home right now." "FUCK YOU IKE!" I yell at him, giggling erupted from his trash can mouth. I cover myself completely in the soft blankets in an attempt to hide my flushed face. Soft footsteps  creak up the stairs and the end of my bed sinks slightly, "Ky...I'm sorry for what i did. and I-" Stan softly says, "I was just pissed off and I just love you so much I didn't know what to do and.." Fuck- Did my voicemail not delete???? My face is the color of my hair now, a deep red and my stomach feels queasy. I move the blanket off my face and curl into a ball, as Stan lays down next to me. He moves his arms to wrap around my stomach and he pulls me close, and I don't resist. He buries his face into the back of my neck and I relax my body. "I love you Stan," I whisper as my eye lids slowly close. "I love you too, Kyle."

Stan's POV:

I didn't sleep, I was too busy thinking about how lucky I am. So much has happened in 3 months Its pretty incredible. February 10th I found out my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me with Tolkien Black and had been doing for several months yeah that hurt but it didn't take long to get over, February 21st My best friend moved in with me and we bought our cats Max and Harley, then 2 weeks after that we kissed but the same day he overdosed, he could have died that day but he didn't. He fought it, just like my mom told me he would.. around 2 months after that he got discharged from hospital and had to be on crutches, he was in and out of therapy during that time and had to re learn how to walk because the pills he took really fucked with him, We fought.. a lot even though I was just trying to protect him, I can see why it annoyed him though and he's absolutely aloud to have those feelings. I got into a fight with Tolkien at Craig's house party then got absolutely shit-face drunk and ended up calling Craig and Tweek in the morning and they brought Kyle after we had just had a massive argument, they brought a split in half picture that no longer matters and I found myself waking up in the tree house that Me, Kenny, Kyle and Cartman made when we were younger. Now we are here no longer fighting and despite everything we have been through we have come out a lot stronger, there will be more bumpy roads in the years to come but it will eventually end on a smooth drive. I love Kyle and nothing will unbreak this love for him..

Kyle's POV:

(okay this is just gonna be random fluff because 🤷‍♀️) I want to spend my whole life like this, not a care in the world, the love of my life holding me, no one else to bother us. I wake up and Stan's awake, but he still holds me close and gazes lovingly at my back. "Stan, lemme go I need to pee!" I squirm playfully, and chuckle, "No! You are trapped!" He holds me tighter and smiles while laughing. "Stan!" He finally lets me go and I quickly sit up before he can trap me again. I sleepy walk to the bathroom and 'do my business'. I wash my hands and realize I haven't showered in like 3 days, so I take a quick shower. When drying my hair I realize how ugly it is and stare at the mirror for a while. I scrambled around the bathroom for something to cut my hair with. Scissors. Perfect. I hesitated with the blades against my poof of a hair before hacking it away, making it look as good as I could. There, less poofy, nicer looking. I put my clothes on and slip my hat over my newly cut hair. I wonder what Stan will think? Will he like it? I hope so, but will he hate it? That makes me stop and hesitate, I bite my nails and think for a bit. I walk into my room and Stan's face lights up, "Ky-Ky!" I chuckle and look at him, "What? Why are you giving me that look?" He asks, I hesitated again before taking off my hat for him to see my freshly cut hair. His mouth drops open and it's hard to tell what he's thinking, "Do you uh- hehe..like it?" I ask biting my tongue in anticipation. "I love it!" He holds open his arms, offering me to lay next to him again. I abide and he strokes my newly cut hair, mesmerized and I flush and bury my face in his chest.

Stan's POV:

This is all I want in life this is perfect, no more Wendy, no more going back into a depression state because she's cheated on me. This is what I've needed I just never knew it, I'm glad to have Kyle not only as a best friend but as a boyfriend. I stroke his back to let him know I'm not going anywhere and he's going to be stuck with me forever, he snuggles him face into my chest more and we lie back down on the bed and cuddle. I'm so glad we didn't fall apart even through all of the shit we've been through recently, because in reality we need each other more than we had realised. I'm so grateful he's still alive because I don't know what I'd do without him by my side.

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