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Stan's POV:

Me and Kyle have 2 days left of mental health leave before we have to go back to school, although I've not been at school I've learnt a few things. Number one: I am a great father.. well I mean to cats. They are obsessed with me, They always climb on my bed during the night and wake me up by scratching my face. Anyway Number two: I love Kyle and I want to spend the rest of my days in his arms, watch the sunset on a house roof together, grow old, go on dates, adopt children and more. I wasn't completely sure at first but over these last few weeks I've found myself staring at him for long periods of time, kissing his head and cheek, cuddling with him and falling asleep together in my bed. I honestly want nothing more than him. And the cats as well but romantically I want Kyle and that leads me into. Number three: I'm bisexual. At first I wasn't sure what I was but I realised it one night I was lying in my bed, it was 2am and I wanted to figure it out because it started to piss me off.

Kyle's POV:

I'm really fucking scared to go back home. #1 is because of my parents, if mom slapped me-,god knows what she'll do when I return home. #2 The cats, my parents hate cats and I don't have the right materials or money to house either of them. #3 I'm gay, my parents are giant homophobes if they find out they'll disown me. #4 I love Stan, he's my entire world. I can't imagine a world without him, and oh how I'd love to be with him for the rest of my life but I know that can't be. We have to pack our bags to leave today, and I can't stay calm. I've already had 3 silent mental breakdowns in the bathroom and 15 snuggle sessions with the kittens. I found a bottle of Ibuprofen that I stuff deep down in my bag- ..'Just in case.'

Stan's POV:

I'm holding the tears back while packing a bag for Kyle, I'm grabbing things and putting them into the bag then I came across a picture of us. I have my arm wrapped around his neck with my hand in a peace sign, we are smiling so hard and our faces are rubbing together. Then I notice something.. a drawn on heart above us. Kyle had drawn it on.. I knew now. The way he acted around me, a few thousand thoughts racing in my mind then I stood up and walked to my room. I grabbed the image I have of us, me with my hand on his face and kissing it and he's blushing.. my brain scans through the last 2 weeks and before that. The behaviours we gave eachother.. I put everything down and run to him, he's in the kitchen putting something into his bag but I'm too focused on what I'm about to do. I dont even think and I spin him around, grab his face in my hands and connected our lips..

Kyle's POV:

I'm super fucking surprised when Stan kissed me. He pulls away and I'm shocked and my stomach is flip-flopped. I don't know what to feel and I just stand there in complete shock. He stares at me and I see hearts in his eyes, and I think he sees them in mine too. At the worst time possible, Max crawls on Stan's shoulder and just sits there. Stan snaps out that trance and tries to pry Max off his shoulder but he has his claws dug into Stan's shoulder. I have to step in and pry the cat off his arm before he's stuck there forever. Max is wailing and that makes Harley come patting in the kitchen as well. These damn cats messed up our romantic moment. I stutter, "Wha- why?" He looks at me again with hearts in his eyes, "I just love you."

Stan's POV:

Kyle looks at me with disbelief but then my expression must have changed something in him because his face softens into tears and then a smile. "Stan.. I love you too." I wrap my arms around his waist. He has to pick me up because he's so much taller than me and I put my head on his shoulder and I started crying. I never expected this day to come but it has. Then I felt his body tense up. He puts me down and backs into a corner. He's having another panic attack except this one is worse, his breathing starts getting shorter, he's shaking badly. "Kyle!" I go over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Stan.. m-my parents they are homophobic.." I stop for a second to process what he said. "Shit.."

Kyle's POV:

I can't breath and I feel lightheaded. My breath keeps getting shorter and shorter until I'm barely gasping air anymore. I slide down with my back against the wall and Stan quickly sits down with me and he rubs my back and tries to calm me down. *Pat* I feel something fuzzy but sharp hit my foot, I look up to see Harley putting one paw on my foot and Max has his paw on the other. This calms me down a bit. Stan grabs one of the little beans and stuffs them in my arms, I can't tell which one it is since everything seems blurry but I stoke it's soft, warm fur. This is calming me down even more. Stan rubs my back gently and sighs in relief, I'm finally breathing a bit normally now. Still shaken but I'm better. "I'm sorry" My shakey voice stutters, "What do you mean?" Stan asks, " I-I *deep breath* I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on you." I answer.

Stan's POV:

"Ky.. your not putting too much pressure on me. I dont know how bad it is for you because my parents dont know but I'm gonna be here for you whether you like it or not okay." We laugh a bit and I slide my thumb up and down his soft cheek, I kiss his other cheek and grab his hand "We can finish packing later. Yeah?" I say. He smiles
"Yeah we can." I grab Harley in one hand and Kyle's hand in the other while he's holding Max. We walk over to the couch I sit down with my back against the arm rest and he awkwardly sits on the other couch. I look at him and laugh. "Kyle what the hell are you doing." He looks at me with a confused face. "Come here you idiot" I giggle and put Harley down on the floor. He walks over to me and puts max down next to Harley and he sits on the end of the couch where there is room. "Fucking hell dude" I laugh at him and crawl over to him. I put my head in his lap and take his hand and play with his fingers. He starts caressing my hair. I look up into his eyes. He's so beautiful. He leans down and kisses me. My lips melting into the soft touch, he pulls away and hes blushing heavily and smiling me doing the same we stay like this for a while until its time to finish packing.

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