-Drunk Again-

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Kyle's POV:

The party's almost over, I can't get a hold of Stan, and my phones about to die. Most people are gone and my anxiety is through the roof. Thousands of thoughts are running through my head and I'm still crying a bit. "Kyle?" I jump and realize it's Craig and Tweek. "Dude what are you still doing here? Almost everyone has left-" "Well I.." my voice is breaking again, " I can barely walk and Stan left and my phones almost dead so-" Tweek walks over and puts his hands on my shoulders, "Wanna us to drive you home?" "I mean I-" "Craig go get the car started," Craig walks off and grabs his car keys. They drop me off at my house and I thank them profusely. I'm in my room now and I'm having another mental breakdown. I get a phone call and it's Stan. I pick up immediately and there's a silence. "Stan?" ... "Stan?" My voice is breaking and he answers, slurring his words, "Kkkyle?"

Stan's POV:

"Kkkyle?" I say into the phone. "Kylee babe I'm sorrrrrryyy." "Stan for fuck sake you cant keep doing this to me!" I hear from the phone. "Kyle baby pleaseeee I'm sorry" I start crying "P-please Kyle Pleaseeee." "Stan jesus christ you where nearly 2 months sober why the fuck would you go drinking?" The angry tone asked me. "Because babyyy I miss you I'm sorryyyy." I reply. The call went dead, he hung up on me. There's nothing I can do now to save us. It's over.. we are done. I stumbled to my bed and buried my face into my pillow, I let the sadness out. I love Kyle I really do, but his depression and my addiction isn't working together.

The Next Day

Still Stan's POV:

I woke up feeling dizzy and sick, I knew I couldn't call Kyle for help so I rung Craig and Tweek. They agreed to come and help me, they always had dates on Saturdays and luckily today happened to be Monday. It's the school holidays we are off for 2 weeks so I was praying they weren't doing anything. I can feel the sickness rising in my throat, I started to gag. I flew out of bed and sprinted as fast as I could to the bathroom before puking my guts up in the toilet. I heard a knock at the door and assumed it was Tweek and Craig which it was but they brought somebody else along who didn't look pleased to be here..

Kyle's POV:

I stand in his doorway, pissed. Craig and Tweek are smiling a bit and seem to be enjoying the drama. Stan's look is relief and confusion. "Why are you here?" He says, gagging a bit at the end. "Why are you drinking again?" I say through gritted teeth. "You've been 2 months sober, why'd that change so suddenly?" I see the hungry kittens meowing at his feet and I scoop them up, walking inside the house. Craig and Tweek whisper them walk inside after me. I find the kittens food bowl and open the bag of cat food from under the sink cabinet. "Jesus Stan, you were so drunk you couldn't even feed the kittens we got." I scoop 2 large scoops of the food and set the bowl down for the kittens to inhale greedily. There's about 8 empty beer bottles lying in various areas of the house, which I try to clean up. But Max and Harley knock one off the counter and it crashes to the floor. I inhale sharply and try not to yell at them. I feel a sharp pain in my foot and check to see and piece of glass from the broken bottle cutting the sole of my foot. At this point I want to cry again but I don't. I clean up the rest of the broken glass and limp to the bathroom for bandages. I dig around the bathroom and find some to which I wrap my foot up with but its too painful to put the shoe back on so I limp around the house with a bleeding foot. Stan's on the couch and looks awful. I grab the kittens and place them near him, and they snuggle into his hair and back. He looks at me, "Kyle I-" "Save it" I say limping away.

Stan's POV:

Why the fuck did Craig and Tweek bring him over, I told them last night before I left that I'd called out with Kyle they are doing this to piss me off. I walked over to Tweek and Craig and tell them to just go home because it was clear they wanted to be here for the drama. I used to hate Craig, he used to pick on me and Kyle for being really close and call us gay then just a few years later here he is dating Tweek Tweak. I never really forgave him but I had to start being nicer to him because he was gay and if I didnt I would be seen as homophobic. They left me something in a box when they left, I opened it and saw a picture of me and Kyle, but this one was different.. me and him when we were little? It looks like we had just won our first ice hockey game and we were celebrating. I could make out Cartman and Kenny in the background but they were cut out, I dont even know were they found this picture and how they got it but we looked so happy together. My thumb scanned over the picture, taking in the details put into it. I looked back at the box and saw another picture except it was ripped down the middle. It was Kyle standing next to somebody but I couldn't tell who it was because I didnt have the other half. Somebody else did..

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