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Stan's POV:

It's been a few weeks since Kyle was admitted to hospital, he's been doing a lot better his mental health has improved significantly and he's finally in therapy. His therapist is lovely, her name is Dr. Kay and she really likes Kyle. She's helped him out with his parental issue and his parents are nicer to him now I mean yeah they aren't quite there yet but they are really taking in his feelings and they are trying to get used to the fact Kyle isn't straight. Me and Him have really gotten on well, I've stuck by his side the whole time he's been unwell but I can really see a change in him now. I came out to my family a couple of weeks ago and they were unsure at first but now they don't mind. Me and my dad have made up, my parents told me I can come back any time I want. Kyle's grades have dropped a bit but the school are letting him off since he's been in hospital, my grades have stayed the same since I had to go back to school 2 days after it happened. Luckily Kyle gets released in 2 days so we are going to a party at Craig's House to celebrate. Kyle has had to learn how to keep himself up because the amount of my meds he took really had an effect on him but he's alright now he's just going to need to be on crutches for a while and then he should be back to normal.

2 days later..

Kyle's POV:

It's weird being out of the hospital. No blinding  fluorescent lights, No one crying, and me having to use crutches. I'm not very good at using them so whenever I do use them Stan is eyeing me like a hawk to make sure I don't fall. My therapist prescribed me some meds for my mental health issues but I'm strictly supervised so I don't try to overdose again. It feels like Stan is babysitting me every time I do anything, it's kinda annoying. I can barely sit down without him having to check on me every 5 minutes. My parents seem to like me a little bit now, but they still act like assholes to me, I was dying in the hospital and they only cared about hospital bills. Ike wanted a new PS5 or something, and my parents blamed me for not being able to afford it right now. Never mind that, Craig's Party is tonight and it's gonna be weird. Everyone knows I was in the hospital but most kids don't know why. I sit up in my bed, and grab for my crutches, I should probably get ready.

Stan's POV:

"Fucking hell why is there no clothes in this God damn hou- AHH FUCK SAKE MAX GET OFF OF MY FACE!" I shout. Max jumped on my face and was scratching it. "Meow" I turned around to see Harley biting my shoes. "HARLEY NO THEY ARE BRAND NEW!" I shout at her. I finally got Max off my face and I ran over to Harley. "HARL- AHH SHIT!" I fell over while screaming at her but it scared both of them away so that was good. I got up and shut the door before they could run back in and went back to my closet, i finally found a nice top and pants to wear to the party and put them on.


The doorbell rang, it was probably Kyle I went over to answer the door and I was right it was Kyle. I opened the door and greeted him. I could tell he was getting pissed off by me watching him all the time but I was told by his therapist to keep watch of him to make sure he's getting on okay. He turned to face me and he looked like his breathing had been restricted by something. "Stan you look gorgeous but what the fuck happened to your face its bleeding." I hadn't even noticed that it was bleeding, "Fucking Max jumped out my closet and started scratching my face and Harley was eating my shoes." I told him. "Well that sucks for you because these cats love their other dad." He said and picked them up. "Dont you babies.. yes you do." He said in a baby voice. "Kyle I love that your bonding with your kids but we need to go." I say. "Wait Stan.. before we go uh" he stops and swallows. "What are we?" I freeze. "Uh well I dont really know.." I say. "Well we've got cats together, we kiss and cuddle and stuff and we basically live together because I'm here so much so.. boyfriends??" He says. I think for a second before speaking up. "Yeah. Boyfriends!" We laugh. "Dude you've got to move in here properly soon." I suggest "Yeah I really do."

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