-Run Away-

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Kyle's POV:

I stare and Stan but he's hard to see with watery eyes. I stutter to find the right words, and then it just pours out like word vomit. "I feel like no one cares about me and my parents hate me, and there's too much pressure with school," I tears start streaming " And it's hard with my sexuality because my parents are homophobic and I can't do anything without being yelled at or scolded for, my grades are failing which is making my parents hate me more, a-and I hate my life, and I want to kill myself and I-" Stan grabs my shoulders, "Jesus Christ Kyle calm down," He stares at me with sympathy in his eyes. "And I-I" My voice starts breaking again. I cover my face to hide my tears. I want to die, I want to hide away forever. It's bad enough that he had to personally escort me to a different classroom so people would stop making fun of me, now I'm stuck crying in front of him, again.  I feel pathetic, I feel like Cartman if that makes sense. I just want to go home, and never come here again. I tug on the ear flaps of my hat.

Stan's POV:

His words pierced my soul. "Kyle you want to K-ki.." I couldn't say the words. I felt sick. I knew it was bad but not this bad. He looks at me with nothing but hopelessness in his expression. "Kyle I want you to come and live with me." I suggested but in a demanding tone. He can clearly no longer live in that toxic house, Luckily I live on my own. Me and my dad got into an extremely heated argument and I decided that night to steal all of Tegridy Farm's secret money and got a house the next morning. I was so glad there was enough money for the basic things I needed. Kyle looked up at me with a confused look. "Why stan?" He questioned. "That house has wrecked you." I started. "You cant stay there anymore, I want you to come live with me."


Kyle's POV:

God- Living alone with Stan? That sounds like a dream, but my parents would never let me. "Run...away?" I look at Stan with a panicked look, "I can't do that my parents would find me and come after me, we don't even have jobs, Stan- You know what my moms capable of, and Cartman could-" I shake my hands in the air in denial. "I don't care about that, we'll figure something out." He says softly, as he pulls up a chair next to me. "Stan, I can't, god I would love to but I can't." I rub my forehead and sigh in confusion. My head still hurts from the tears I cried. He grabs my hand and holds it, which makes me blush a smidge. He air traces stars and hearts on my hand and I just sit there and watch him caress my hand till my face is that same shade of red as it always is when I flustered.

Stan's POV:

"Kyle, look I know you're scared but they don't even know where I live and they can't just ring up my parents like 'Hey where does Stan live' it's the best thing for you." I say. He stops for a minute then sighs "Fine.." My face lights up. "Okay dude Ill swing by your place later and get your stuff. Yeah?" I say. "Sure, just be careful man." He replies. "Let's cut school today." I start "st-" "And before you say no it'll be fine." I say reassuringly. "ughh fine Stan let's just go."

Kyle's POV:

We grab our bags and walk home quickly, since Stan has to grab his car from his house. I see my mom's car in my driveway and panic a little bit, she's not supposed to be home yet- Stan grabs my hand and says "You gonna be okay?" "...Yeah, I think" "Okay, I'll be quick." He kisses me on the cheek which makes me turn red, before he dashes down the sidewalk to his house. I take a deep breath and quickly walk inside my house. My mom is at the dinner table doing something with Ike. I run upstairs but she sees me, "Kyle? What are you doing home already?" She storms after me and follows me to my room. I pull my duffel bag out of my closet and stuff it full of clothes, blankets, and my spare money that I had saved up. My mom is screaming and hollering at me but I've learned how to mute her out. I walk downstairs and grab my supplies for my diabetes and a few other things. Ike is coloring a dinosaur sheet and I completely ignore him and I walk back upstairs to make sure I have everything I need. When I know I have everything I need I walk outside and wait on the sidewalk for Stan's car. My mom follows me outside and continues hollering at me. And then, she slapped me. It was such a surprise I didn't realize it for a few seconds until I felt the stinging pain in my face.

Stan's POV:

As I was driving up I saw Kyle and his mom, She was shouting at him and chasing him. He was ignoring him and then she slapped him. That sight was my breaking point, I got out my car, slammed the door shut and ran over to Kyle. "Get the fuck away from him you nasty old bitch!" I growled. I don't know what came over me but in that moment all I wanted to do was protect Kyle. "Excuse me Stanley Marsh but you need to respect your elders young man!" She shouted back at me. "I NEED TO RESPECT MY ELDERS?!" I screamed. " YOU JUST HIT YOUR OWN CHILD YOU PSYCHOPATH!" I grabbed Kyle's hand and we ran to my car, we got in and drove off but as we where driving past I heard Kyle shout out of the window. "GO TO HELL YOU ROTTEN OLD BITCH!" I looked at him and he looked back at me. We started laughing. "Dude I never... expected to hear you shout that at your mom I mean definitely at Cartman but your mom jesus christ dude." I said In between laughs. "Well like you said it's not like she knows where you live so she cant tell me off." He said while laughing still.

Kyle's POV:

We're sitting in Stan's car and the drive seems like forever. I fall asleep at some point and wake up to someone moving my body out of the car. Stan, but he's carrying me in the bridal position, I freak out internally, 'ohhh my god why is he carrying me like this? Out of all the less romantic positions.' He sees me awake and giggles at my internal screaming. He kisses my head which sends me into that trance he always traps me in. He sets me down on a bed somewhere upstairs, and I quickly fall asleep. When I wake up he escorts me around the small house, fit perfectly for the 2 of us. Another day we go and expect to adopt a kitten from the animal shelter but ended up adopting 2! One is small and grey with little grey stripes, which we name him Max, [Me!]. The other is a white little female kitten with brown paws we named Harley, [Other Writer!]A few days later we hear a knock on the door, I sadly had to shove the poor kittens off of me, to walk to the door and when I open it, I'm surprised to see Kenny, Butters and ...Cartman?!

Stan's POV:

"Hey jew." I hear from the other room, clearly cartmans voice. Then I heard the muffles from kenny probably saying hi. "Hey Fella!" I also heard. Butters is here too? I stood up and the kittens went mental. Max trying to climb up my arm and Harley clinging onto my back, I pick up max and stroked them. They nuzzled their head into my hand, I left Harley to climb up my back and I walked to the door. "What are you guys doing here?!" I heard Kyle ask, "Mhmhmhm" Kenny replied. Translating into "Me and Butters haven't seen you or Stan 'round school where have you been?" "I'm just here because I was hanging out with these f*gs and they wanted to see you." Cartman added. "I've been off for some mental health problems and Stan was helping me." Kyle replied. "Mental health, that's gay." I heard Cartman say. "Shut up fatass!" I could hear Kyle getting angry. "Okay okay Kyle calm down. Thank you Kenny and Butters for dropping by we'll be back at school soon and Cartman fuck off dude." I say. "Well that's alright Stan see you later!" Butters says and everybody left. I shut the door and turned to face Kyle. He started to laugh, and told me Harley had climbed onto my head and nobody even noticed because of that conversation. He took Harley and started tickling her belly in his arms, she was purring really loud. "Kyle." "Yeah?" "Serious Question." "What?" "Movie night?" "Absolutely!" "I'll go grab the popcorn, get the TV set up." "Okay."

Kyle's POV:

We snuggle on the couch with the kittens and turn on a random movie. I feel a pat-pat on my leg and look down to see Max sitting on my leg and glaring at Stan. "Max what are you doing-" Stan looks at the kitten, *HISS* "Jesus Christ-" He curls up on my leg and snuggles into a little croissant and dozes off. Meanwhile Harley snuggles into Stan's hat and falls asleep. 

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