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October 4th 2027

Lena and Oliver were sitting on the couch doing homework when Rory got home, one afternoon.

"How did you get 65?" Lena asked, looking at Oliver's paper "it's supposed to be 112"

"Wait, what?"

"Look" Lena turned her notebook towards him

"I might've missed a step"

"Yeah, or 3" Lena chuckled

"Anyone home?" Rory called out when she walked into the house

"Living room!" Lena said

"Hi Oliver" Rory said walking into the living room

"Hi" Oliver said

"Lena, where are your brother and sister?" Rory asked

"Dad took them to get ice cream"

"Ok. Your new cleats came, by the way"

"Really?!" Lena asked, excitedly

"Kitchen counter"

"Yes!" Lena jumped up and ran into the kitchen to get them. She came back into the living room with 2 shoe boxes "amazing"

"Remind me why you mismatch your shoes for games" Oliver said

"It's good luck" Lena said, looking at her shoes

"Is it?" Oliver raised an eyebrow

"I scored 5 goals in mismatched shoes, last weekend, didn't I?"

"Fair enough"


October 6th

"Alright" Sophie's Spanish teacher said "read in English, speak in Spanish. Who wants to do the first paragraph?"

Nobody moved

"If nobody volunteers I'm gonna pick"

Nobody volunteered

"Sophie. You're first"

"But she speaks Spanish!" Conner protested

"Ok, then Connor you do it" The teacher said

"No, it's ok. I wouldn't wanna take the opportunity away from Sophie" Connor said

"That's what I thought"

After class Sophie was standing outside with her friends, waiting for Rory to pick her up.

"Did you get a dress for the homecoming dance?" Bethany asked

"I'm going shopping with my mom and sister, after school" Sophie said "apparently the high school is having their dance on the dance night"

"My dress is red, so don't get a red one" Sarah said

"Or a blue one" Bethany added

"I thought your dress was purple" Sophie said

"It is, but everyone wears blue, and you wanna stand out"

"Hey" Lena appeared next to Sophie "you ready?"

"Yeah. See you guys later"


"Let's see it!" Lena called out

Sophie walked out of the dressing room, wearing a light pink dress.

"Oh, you look so cute!" Rory smiled

"Definitely gonna turn some heads" Lena said

"Can I get this one?" Sophie asked

"If that's the one you like" Rory said

"It is"

"Alright, go put your clothes back on" Rory said then turned to Lena "how about you?"

"I can't decide between the blue one and the black one" Lena said

"I like them both, but I think the blue one looks really good on you. Although it might make your dad's head explode" Rory joked

"So you think I should get the black one"

"No, I think you should get the blue one"

"Your marriage is weird" Lena chuckled

"I know"

They bought their dresses and headed home to get ready to have dinner in Stars Hollow with Lorelai and Luke

"-and we got our dresses today" Sophie finished telling everyone about her plans for the homecoming dance

"You're all going to the same dance?" Luke asked

"The middle school and high school dances happened to fall on the same night" Logan said

"What about you, Daniel?" Lorelai asked

"I got a suit" Daniel said "and dad tried to teach me how to tie a tie, but I think he'll probably have to do it for me"

"If it makes you feel any better your grandfather can barely tie one, himself" Lorelai said

"Don't lie to them" Luke glared at her "I can tie a tie just fine"

"Do you guys have dates?" Lorelai asked "how doe's a dance work in middle school?"

"At our school everyone kinda just goes with their friends" Daniel told them

"How about you, Lena?" Lorelai asked "you have a date?"

"Um..." lena squeaked

"She's going with her boyfriend" Sophie said in a teasing tone

"Sophie!" Lena scolded

"You have a boyfriend?" Lorelai asked, surprised

"I...I don't know! Maybe?"

"She had a 'Dean in Doose's' kind of experience" Rory said, knowing that only Lorelai would know that she was talking about

"What does that mean?" Logan asked

"Don't worry about it" Rory patted his arm


"So you're going to a dance with this guy?" Lorelai asked

Lena nodded

"You literally created a mini Rory" Lorelai joked

"Can we talk about something else?" Lena pleaded

"I second that" Logan chimed in "Daniel, why don't you tell them about baseball"


later that night Rory and Logan were laying in bed, Logan's arm around Rory, holding her close and her head on his chest

"What's is a 'Dean in Doose's' experience?" Logan asked

"I don't think you wanna know"

"Come on, tell me"

"Remember when I told you about my first kiss?"


"Replace the market with a soccer field and the cornstarch with a soccer ball and you have what happened to Lena"

"Yeah, I don't wanna know that"

"I tried to tell you"

"When did she grow up?"

"Kids grow up, it's normal"

"Normal's overrated"

"Go to sleep" she kissed him

"Goodnight, Ace" he kissed the top of her head

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