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December 23rd

"When are your mom and Luke getting here?" Logan asked as he and Rory were getting ready in the morning

"Their plane lands in about half an hour, and I'm leaving to get them in about 10 minutes"

"Ok. I'll take Hershey for a walk while you're gone"

"Thank you" Rory reached down and picked up Hershey "Hershey said thank you too"

"The dog did not say thank you"

"Oh yeah?" Rory held Hershey up in front of her face "Thank you, Logan" she said in a high pitched voice

"You're crazy" Logan laughed "and I love you"

"I love you, too" she kissed him "ok, I gotta go. See you later" she started walking down the stairs

"Drive safe!" Logan called out, after her

"Will do!"


"Mom!" Rory called out when she saw Luke and Lorelai walked out of the terminal

"Loin fruit!" Lorelai ran over and hugged Rory "pregnant yet?"

"Ignoring that. How was your flight?"

"It was good. I made Luke watch Casablanca with me"

"How'd you like it?" Rory asked Luke

"It was actually pretty good" Luke said

"By the way, it's so warm here" Lorelai said

"Compared to Connecticut? Yes it is" Rory laughed "do you need help with your bags?"

"No, we got it" Luke said

20 minutes later, they were in Rory and Logan's neighborhood

"It's so pretty here" Luke said

"Wait until you see their house" Lorelai said

"So we set up guys up in the same room you've been in every time" Rory said "that might just be your room now"

"Until you have kids" Lorelai said

"Are you ever gonna stop?"

"Of course I am"


"When you get pregnant" lorelai giggled

Rory just smiled and rolled her eyes and a few minutes later they were pulling into the driveway
"We're here"

"Wow" Luke said

"I know" Rory chuckled "it's a lot, but Logan found it and it really is a great house"

"Especially for when you have kids" Lorelai said

"Ok, you really have got to stop" Rory said, grabbing a bag from the trunk

They walked up the path and Rory opened the door

"Logan?!" Rory called out

"Hey! There are our intrepid travelers" Logan came out of the living room

"Hi Logan" Lorelai hugged him

"How was your flight?" Logan asked

"It was good, thanks" Luke said

"I'll help you take your stuff upstairs" Logan said

Everyone grabbed a bag and Rory and Logan showed Luke and Lorelai to their room.

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