Life and Death

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"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Pulitzer Prize winner, Rory Huntzberger?" Finn asked loudly when he saw Rory and Logan walk into the event. Logan has his hand on the small of Rory's back

"Hi Finn" Rory chuckled

"Congratulations love"

"Thank you"

"Rory!" Stephanie came over to them

"Steph! How's pregnancy treating you?"

"Other than having to pee every 20 seconds. Pretty good"

"Good" Rory chuckled

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that a wedding ring on Logan Huntzberger's hand?!" Someone said, walking up to the group

"Andrew!" Logan laughed and shook his hand "what's it been? 6 years?"

"Something like that" Andrew said "what? So you're married now?"

"And he has a kid" Colin said

"Why are you and what have you done with Logan Huntzberger?" Andrew joked getting a laugh from everyone.

"Andrew, do you know Rory?" Logan asked

"I don't think so" Andrew said "Andrew Wilson. Nice to meet you" He held out his hand

"Rory" Rory shook Andrew's hand

"So what do you do?" Andrew asked

"I'm a journalist. I write for the San Francisco chronicle" Rory told him

"Rory..." Andrew thought for a minute "Rory Gilmore?"

"Huntzberger now, but yeah...why?"

"Are you the same Rory Gilmore who won a Pulitzer last night?"

Rory blushed a little "that would be me"


"She also wrote a book" Stephanie chimed in

"Steph!" Rory scolded

"What?! You should be proud" Stephanie smiled

"She's humble" Logan wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close

"If I could" someone announced, holding up a glass of champagne "I'd like to make a toast"

A waiter came around to them and everyone took a glass of champagne

"To old friends. In onmia paratis!"

"In omnia paratis!" Everyone echoed and took a sip of champagne

"Rory! Logan!" Rosemary came running up when she saw them

"Hey Rosemary" Logan said

"Hi" Rory hugged her

"It's been so long! How's Lena?"

"Lena's great" Logan said

"She's almost walking" Rory added

"She is not almost walking" Logan said

"She totally is!"

"Ace, the kid can barely stand for 3 seconds let alone walk"

"She'll be walking by the end of the month. I'm calling it now" Rory said

"You wanna bet?"

"Always" Rory chuckled "I always win anyway"

"No you don't"

"Oh yeah? What was her first word?"

"Ok, you got me there" Logan laughed

"You guys are so cute" Rosemary said

"Thank you" Rory blushed and Logan kissed the top of her head

"Oh! You know what we should do?" Finn said "we should do a retry of that cliff jumping trip in Costa Rica!"

"Absolutely not!" Rory said

"I second that!" Stephanie chimed in

"Why not?" Finn pouted

"For starters, last time you tried that, Logan almost died" Rory Reminded him

"We'll be careful" Finn said

"Finn, it's not happening" Logan said

"Come on" Finn whined

"Finn..." Colin said "Logan has a kid, and I'm about to have a kid. If we get hurt, it'll affect someone else"

"Not to mention that I don't want to" Logan added

"Fine" Finn scoffed

Rory's cell phone rang

"Excuse me" she walked away and answered "mom? Is Lena ok?"

"Not your mom" April said, through the phone

"Sorry April" Rory chuckled "what's up?"

"I'm sorry to do this, especially because I know you guys aren't home, but a pipe burst in our dorm building and the whole place smells like sewage. Would it be ok if I stay at your place until it's fixed?"

"Of course! Just use your key" Rory said "The beds aren't made in the guest rooms but you know where everything is"

"Thank you so much!"

"Anytime. We'll be back the day after tomorrow anyway."


"Oh, and invite your roommates too if they don't have anywhere to go"

"I will, thanks"

"Anytime. Bye"


"Everything ok?" Logan asked when Rory made her way back to the group

"Everything's fine. Aprils at our house"


"Pipe burst in her dorm"

"Got it"

"Who's April?" Finn asked

"My step sister"

A couple hours later, after eating, drinking and dancing Logan and Rory decided it was time to head back to Stars hollow

"Hey mom" Rory said when they got back to the inn

"Hey" Lorelai whispered and stood up, holding Lena who was sleeping on her chest

"Why isn't she in the room?" Rory asked

"Sorry. I tried, kid"

"No. It's ok. Don't worry about it" Rory started to reach for Lena but pulled her arms back suddenly and inhaled sharply

"Ace, you ok?" Logan ah and put his hands on her back

"Yeah" Rory said, rolling her shoulder "I'm fine"

"Are you sure? What was that?" Lorelai asked

"Nothing. I'm ok" Rory said and took Lena from Lorelai

Logan and Lorelai exchanged a concerned look.


"Logan, I promise. My shoulder clicked and I wasn't expecting it. That's all"

"Ok" Logan rubbed her shoulder

"Night mom"


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