Chapter 4: Harry

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Hermione found herself wandering the castle later that evening. She had managed to keep herself from attacking anyone else since Ron earlier that morning. She had barely kept herself from Blaise Zabini again and promised herself that she would have him soon. The fact that she hadn't been satisfied in a few hours had her hot and bothered all over again. Her skin was hot and sensitive and with every step she took the brushing of her thighs together stimulated her. With a sigh she headed up towards her dorms, which happened to be located next to the prefect bathroom, maybe a hot swim would calm her down.

Grabbing a towel from her room she hastily made her way to the prefect's bathroom, complete with swimming pool style tub and rows of glass showers. She whispered the password and entered the echo prone room silently. Her heart rate sped up at the sight of someone already sitting in the tub, his naked back and shoulders facing her. Her heart was pounding by the time she realized who it was; the messy black hair gave it away. Hermione silently undid the buttons of her shirt and let it slide to the ground before stepping out of her skirt. She approached him quietly and he only realized someone else was with him when she slid into the bath next to him.

"Hermione! What the hell are you doing?" Harry exclaimed, averting his eyes from the tantalizing sight of her cleavage hovering just over the bubbly water.

"Taking a bath the same as anyone Harry," she replied casually; floating out in front of him and rising to float on her back. Harry watched the water shift around her bare body; his eyes couldn't help but linger on her round wet tits and the bare skin between her legs.

"Ginny wouldn't like..." He started his hands reaching out to finger her wet curls, which swirled in the water.

"Don't worry Harry, I fucked Ginny this morning," She replied casually, standing up and approaching him slowly. He was sitting on a bench that ran the length of the inside of the swimming pool and she stood between his legs in front of him.

"I...what?!" Harry was assaulted with visions of his girlfriend and his best friend kissing, touching, and rubbing against one another. He felt himself harden almost instantly.

"Oh he likes that..." Hermione giggled before suddenly moving to straddle Harry. He felt the heat of her pussy as his cock rested between her legs, the tip brushing against her stomach. Hermione reached down and grabbed his thick member and began to stroke him. The water lubricated her hand and Harry let his head fall back in pleasure. He gripped her hips and bucked up to meet every stroke of her small hand.

"Don't worry Harry, I made her cum over and over and over..." Hermione claimed to rub the thumb over the head of his cock before sliding her hand down to the base and back up.

"mmm you did?" He asked, wanting to hear more, needing to.

"Yeah, first I licked her sweet little pussy..." Hermione leaned down to whisper in Harry's ear, her breath washing across his neck. "...then I sat on her pretty face."

"Fuck..." Harry groaned, closing his eyes and picturing every detail of the picture Hermione was painting for him.

"Then I put a big fat dildo inside her tight cunt and fucked her with that too," She said slowly before pressing her lips to his. Their mouths moved together roughly while her hand still jerked his throbbing cock, when Hermione's tongue swept inside his mouth he lost it. His hips bucked as he came into the warm soapy water.

"Put your fingers inside me Harry..." she asked softly to suck on his neck, leaving a small red mark. Harry moved one hand between them and pressed two fingers up into her.

"You're so hot and tight," he groaned, moving them in and out slowly, his thumb making slow circles on her pointed clit.

"Mmm that feels good," she moaned softly, her hips involuntarily rotating in pleasure.

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