Chapter 13: Tonks

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Hermione took another bite of the fluffy dinner roll as she looked around at the many people sitting around the dinner table. Being around her surrogate family always made a warm feeling bloom in her chest and she smiled as Fred and George cracked another joke at Sirius' behalf while Tonks practiced changing her hair different colors.

The older auror finally settled on a short bright blue pixie cut and deep indigo eyes. Hermione was mesmerized by how Tonks could change her appearance and it only made the Gryffindor girl wonder what else the older woman could change. She had a vision of Tonks naked in her bed, her tits growing by the second, Hermione felt herself dripping in arousal and she began a plan to seduce the older woman.

Later that night she found Tonks alone in the living room flipping through some case files. Hermione settled down on the couch next to the other witch and crossed her legs. Tonks could feel the warmth of Hermione's body seeping into her clothes but for some reason she didn't move away.

"What are you working on?" Hermione asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder, Tonks was assaulted with her sweet smell.

"Just some paperwork..." Tonks replied, her eyes drawn to Hermione's bare freckled shoulder. Tonks had always been attracted to both males and females and she hadn't been completely innocent through school and her young adult life so when she saw Hermione's round tits busting at her white tank top she felt her mouth water.

"You should take a break," Hermione said softly, taking the papers from Tonks hands and setting them on the coffee table before settling her warm palm on Tonks' thigh.

"Maybe I should," the woman replied. She could feel the heat from Hermione's hand burning through her jeans. Tonks lifted a hand to push Hermione's hair from her face letting her fingertips linger on the younger girl's long neck. Hermione let out a soft hum and slid her hand higher on Tonks' leg until it was slipping underneath her jumper.

" you like girls?" Tonks asked as Hermione began to stroke the skin of her stomach softly.

"Boys...girls...I like it all," Hermione murmured before licking her lips, her eyes trained on Tonks' wide indigo eyes.

"Glad we're on the same page then," Tonks whispered with a smirk before finally closing the distance between their faces. Their mouths met in a slow tangle of lips and tongue. Tonks slid her fingers into Hermione's hair at the base of her scalp and tugged and scratched lightly giving Hermione shivers. The brunette sighed with pleasure as her hands gripped Tonks waist and pulled her closer. Tonks pulled away and quickly muttered a locking and silencing spell on the door before claiming Hermione's mouth once more.

In one swift move Hermione pushed Tonks back on the couch and settled herself on top of her before pressing their lips back together. Tonks slipped her hands under Hermione's tank to rub the soft skin of her back while Hermione gripped Tonks' thigh and lifted it up so that their centers settled together. The layers of Hermione's cotton shorts and Tonks' jeans rubbing together created a friction that had both girls breathless in minutes.

"Get these off," Hermione said, rising onto her knees and swiftly pulling off her tank and sliding off her shorts to reveal her smooth naked body to the older woman's heated gaze.

Tonks also lifted her sweater over her head and Hermione helped her pull her jeans and panties down her legs. Tonks was slim and toned from training but Hermione knew that Tonks' body was a wonderland of opportunities and she shivered at the naughty ideas that filled her mind. Hermione leaned down and sucked one dark pink nipple into her warm mouth. Tonks sighed and let her head fall back as Hermione suckled at her breasts.

"Make them big..." Hermione said softly pinching the other nipple softly between her slim fingers. Tonks grinned and in seconds her average B cups had expanded to heavy soft pillowy double D's with hard pointed sensitive nipples. Hermione gasped at the sight of Tonks' now big pale tits heaving for attention. The young Gryffindor sighed before gripping both in her small hands watching the flesh overflow between her fingers before kissing and sucking at the milky skin. Tonks moaned softly as Hermione left red marks across the sensitive skin of her breasts as she sucked and licked and kissed every inch of Tonks' chest.

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