Chapter 12: Remus Lupin

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Hermione rolled out of bed the next morning satisfyingly sore. She quickly freshened herself up with some spells before pulling on a pair of tight dark blue skinny jeans and a grey thermal long sleeve shirt. She made her way downstairs surprised when she didn't find a crew of people gathered around the table in the kitchen. Instead she found a plate of hot breakfast and a note.

Hermione Dear,

Most of us have gone into town for a bit of shopping. We decided to let you sleep in. Remus should be around somewhere it's almost his time of the month so he's feeling a bit off. Should be home in time for dinner!

With love,


With a sigh she set the note back down on the table and grabbed a piece of toast from the breakfast plate before heading down the hall and towards Grimmauld Place's library. Taking a deep breath she smiled at the smell of old books and pipe tobacco and wood before beginning to scan the shelves. She wanted to read for a bit of pleasure instead of something educational since she was on a holiday from school. Her fingers traced along the spines of the books as she walked down the isles. Finally she came across one that looked promising. She pulled it out and made herself comfortable on the chair by the fireplace. As she began to read she smiled in amusement.

Turns out that her body wasn't the only thing lusting, it was her mind also. She had picked out a trashy romance novel about a sexually repressed witch and a sexy wizard CEO. As she began to read she felt her body heat up considerably. Her free hand began to stroke the soft skin of her stomach and it slowly trailed to the button of her jeans, which she quickly undid before sliding her hand towards the heat between her thighs.

She muttered a soft sigh as her fingers pushed under her damp panties to press into her folds. The sexy words on the page became blurry and she bit her lip as she rubbed her clit in tight little circles before her fingers dipped inside herself. The book dropped to the floor when the heel of her hand began to press against her clit as she fucked herself with two slim fingers.

" close," she gasped, moving her hand under her jumper to grasp at her own breast in desperation. Her hips moved in little circles as she manipulated her own pussy expertly. When she slipped a third finger inside and pressed against her g-spot, white dots exploded in her vision.

"Oh shit..." she moaned softly as release rushed through her body and juices leaked down her fingers.

"That was beautiful," her head snapped up at the voice from the doorway and her eyes widened as she saw Remus enter the library with a slow smile on his face.

"Remus?" she questioned because although the man looked like her former professor his attitude was a complete change. His eyes were dark with lust and his smile was like a predator.

"Sirius warned me this morning that your excess pheromones and my overcharged animalistic nature close to the full moon might cause something like this to happen." He said slowly coming closer to her as she stared at him from the armchair.

"Something like what Remus?" she asked coyly, her hands playing with the hem of her top.

"Might cause me to lose control," he said, finally kneeling before her, his hands replacing hers and pulling the top up and off.

Her nipples hardened to the cold air immediately and Remus sucked in a breath at the sight of her big round tits topped with pointed soft pink nipples. His big hands gripped them roughly pressing them against her before lowering his head to suck one into his mouth. He licked it roughly before biting it softly. Hermione's thrust one hand into his soft hair pressing his head to her chest as he nipped and licked her nipple. His other hand pressed and gripped the flesh of her boob before he switched up and moved his mouth to the other breast.

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