Chapter 9: Fred and George

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Hermione wrapped her red and gold scarf tighter around her neck as the chilly autumn air nipped at her face. She woke up on the couch both naked and excited that today was a Saturday and a Hogsmead weekend at that. She bundled up and headed into town excited to stock up on goodies and enjoy a day off of the Hogwarts grounds.

Hermione let herself wander around the small town picking up a fresh pack of parchment, a couple of new books, and a new bra and panty set before heading into Fred and George's sweet shop for some treats. As the sweet scent of sugar filled her senses she unwrapped her scarf and took off her coat and hung them by the door before continuing into the shop. It was filled with fellow students and Hermione stood on her tiptoes to look for the twins, they always let her see their new inventions first because if there was a fault in the product the smartest witch of her age could point them out and fix them.

Finally she spotted them behind the counter sporting identical grins. She pushed her way through the crowd and smiled as they waved her over.

"Hermione!" They greeted each other in unison , wrapping their arms around her shoulders and pulling her close.

"Come see the new inventory," George urged an employee to man the register while they took her into the back.

Hermione looked around the room and nodded, "All pretty standard stuff to you have anything new?" she asked, glancing at the boxes of joke toys and prank candy.

The twins looked at each other and internally debated before shrugging.

"We just opened a adult line, would you like to see?" Fred said, biting his lip. Hermione's skin heated at the through and she grinned widely.

"Yes please," she answered as the two lanky men led her through yet another door into a smaller storage room. The room was set up as a showcase of wall to wall shelves filled with various sex toys, outfits, and even some edibles that looked interesting.

"Who thought of this?" Hermione asked, fingering a black lace corset top with hungry eyes.

"Well we both thought it would be a new lucrative market..." Fred said slowly interested in how fascinated Hermione seemed to be by their new merchandise.

"What do these do?" she asked, gesturing towards the edibles and lotions and oils that lined one of the shelves.

"There are a variety of different things. There are some pills that make your darkest fantasy a reality, there are lotions that make your skin sensitive, and oils that increase blood flow." George replied as Hermione's eyes lit up with interest.

"Have you tested any of this?" she asked, her voice low.

The boys looked at each other in surprise before shaking their heads no.

"Would you like to?" She said softly her slim fingers moving to the hem of her sweater lifting it up her torso revealing the flat skin of her stomach slowly.

"Hermione...?" Fred said, alarmed as she pulled the jumper up and off to reveal her round pale breasts encased in a bright red demi cup bra.

"Don't worry...I just want to try out the new products." She said with an innocent smirk hooking her thumbs in her tight jeans and pulling them off her round hips and kicking them away from her to reveal her matching thong. Her eyes fell to where the boys' jeans were tightening and she licked her lips with hunger. George and Fred's jaws dropped when she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra before swiftly sliding her panties down her long shapely legs. She stood bare before them; her perfect curves a vision in the dim lighting.

Hermione reached over and grabbed a bottle of oil labeled "Fancy Miss Erotic Body Heating and Sensitivity Oil."

"I wonder what this does," she said to herself, opening the bottle and squirting some directly into her hands before sliding them across the skin of her soft flat belly.

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