Chapter 11: Sirius Black

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When Hermione woke up in Draco's bed entangled in multiple sets of limbs she quietly slid from the sheets and made her way into her own room. It was finally fall holiday and her and her friends were heading to Grimmauld Place for the short break from school.

Hermione jumped in the shower quickly resisting the urge to slip her fingers inside herself because she was short on time. After a quick wash she got out and used a spell to dry herself off and pull on a pair of jeans and a jumper. She threw together some other clothes and essentials before shrinking her bag and putting it in her pocket. With her wand tucked securely in her waist she fluffed her hair and hurried down to the foyer in front of the Great Hall where she was to meet the rest of the group. She approached her fellow students with a bright smile. Excited to get away from the castle...maybe her weird sex drive would diminish if she were away but she knew it wasn't likely. Hermione was almost positive that she had been slipped a lust potion but she needed some way to confirm her suspicions.

"Hey Hermione, ready to go?" Harry said, wrapping his arm around Ginny who looked up at him brightly.

"Sure are," She said, stepping up to stand next to Ron who shuffled his feet. Luna and Neville completed the circle around an old top hat.

"McGonagall approved the port key then?" she said, nodding towards the dirty hat.

"Yeah... we should grab on it's leaving any minute," Harry said, reaching out to touch a corner of the worn fabric. One by one they all grabbed a hold and it was only seconds later that Hermione felt the familiar pull in her navel and they were off. With a breathless swirl of magic Hermione felt herself hit the dusty floorboards of Grimmauld Place. She gasped, closing her eyes to gain her bearings, before straightening to greet the many wizards gathered for the holiday.

Hermione was immediately engulfed in hugs from various red-headed Weasley's, Lupin next, then Tonks, Fluer, and lastly the homeowner Sirius. When she buried her head in his chest she felt him stiffen before he whispered in her ear.

"Lust potion dear?" his voice was low and raspy and she couldn't help but shudder. His animagus nose confirmed her suspicions and now she knew one thing for sure.

"I was drugged," she replied softly, pressing herself unconsciously against his chest.

"Let me know if you need anything in the night," he said before pulling away from her slowly. His eyes looked dark in the dim lighting and Hermione felt herself bite her lip as her skin broke out in goose bumps at his lustful stare. The rest of the night consisted of catching up, conversation, war-strategy, and lots of food cooked by Molly. Hermione was stuffed with food and good conversation but she was hungry for something else; something that couldn't be satisfied ever since she was drugged with the lust potion.

Sirius had confirmed with his keen sense of smell exactly what had been done to her and now the question was who and why? As she changed into her pajamas she pondered who would have done this to her. Thankfully Merlin had been under a birth control regime because it seemed when she was in the middle of passion she cared for nothing but friction and release.

Since Sirius had confirmed the drug she decided to go to him to see if he could help her figure out her other questions, also she was getting hot again and the memory of his deep dark eyes, smirk, and promise of satisfaction had her insides clenching with anticipation.

She padded down the hallway to his master bedroom and knocked on the door softly.

"Come in," she heard before she pushed the door open, slipped inside, and closed it behind her.

"Hermione," he stretched out on the bed, a cup of Firewhisky swirling in the bottom of the brandy glass in his hand.

"Sirius," she smiled, her skin prickling as his heated gaze moved up her long smooth legs to the hem of her cotton shorts. Her nipples hardened under his stare and he licked his lips as they poked out of her thin tank top.

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