Mum!Jane Adler x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Sitting on the swing in the back garden I can hear mum talking and laughing with her friends in the background as I look out over the garden and let myself swing slightly. "What are you doing out here darling?" I hear Trisha ask before she wraps her arms around me and pulls me back into her in a hug making me laugh as I turn my head to look at my secret girlfriend. "Your mum said that you were upstairs reading."

"I've been out here all day Trish." I say with a shrug and she sighs against my hair before kissing it. "I'm not suprised she hasn't noticed."

"What's that meant to mean?" She asks as she moves to sit on the swing next to me and I look at her pointedly making her chuckle slightly.

"She forgot, everyone was there. For god sake dad was there early and she forgot! And when I got home, she was too busy looking over stupid blueprints to even notice." I tell her and she instantly knows what I'm talking about. I had been entered into an art competition by college lecturer for a chance to spend the summer in London and last week had been the semi finals of the competition which I had won. Everyone had been invited and everyone attended except for mum, again. "How is it that she makes a big deal out of attending Luke's, Gabby's and Lauren's events but she never remembers mine? All I want is for her to remember that she has another kid, is that really so hard?"

"Oh sweetheart, she remembers that she has you." Trisha tries to reassure me but I shake my head.

"Really? Because it sure doesn't feel like it sometimes Trisha. For crying out loud I'm pretty sure that she's forgotten that it's my birthday today. Happy fucking birthday to me." I say quietly and feel her rest her hand on my shoulder. "Sometimes it feels like she doesn't want me."

"Y/n Adler, you know that's not true and I'm sure she knows that it's your birthday." She scolds me and I turn to look at her properly. "You're her baby y/n of course she wants you. She just has a lot going on at the moment. You know that she's trying to build the kitchen of her dreams and she's got feelings for the builder dude not to mention-"

"That she's sleeping with dad despite the fact that he's married Trisha? Don't try to deny it, I know that all you guys know whats going on. Mum tells you lot everything and I've heard Joanne talking about it when she's been round as well." I tell her and she looks at me shocked making me chuckle sadly as I nod. "Oh yeah, I know all about that. You see she forgot that I was here when she invited dad over and while I was trying to work on my competition entry her and dad were... Well I'm sure you can guess what they were doing and I had to sneak out through my window and almost break my leg in the process. Although mum probably wouldn't have noticed if I had walked right past her. That's the day you found me in the park and you asked what was wrong but all I could do was shudder." I add and she shakes her head with a sigh while someone gasps behind us.

"You were home?" Mum asks me as she rounds the swing to crouch in front of me and all I can do is nod. "I'm sorry baby, if I had known I never would have-"

"You never would have done it? Or would you just have waited for me to actually be out the house?" I ask her angrily and she sighs as she tries to take my hand but I pull away from her. "Why dad? After everything, why? He's married for god sake! They're trying to have a baby!"

"It's complicated sweetheart." She says and I shake my head at that. Anything involving dad's complicated but this is just messed up. "Why are you out here anyway?"

"I've been out here all day mum. I'm just killing time before I go out for dinner with my friends." I tell her with a shrug and she looks confused making me sigh as I realise she had forgotten what today was. She has actually forgotten that it's my birthday, how the hell do you forget what day you pushed a human being out of your fucking body? Even if she was busy with other things outside of dad how did she forget my birthday? "Actually, I better go start getting ready." I add as I stand up and walk away from her feeling stupid as I wrap my arms around myself.

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