Mum!Ramona Clark x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Sitting in the living room craddling my three month old baby boy while my seven year old daughter sits happily on the floor with a colouring book in her lap nad a movie playing on the tv I look up confused when I hear a knock on the front door and slowly get up to answer it after putting Issac in the travel cot. Rolling my eyes when whoever it is knocks again I move over to the door and go to grab my keys only to stop when I see who it is through the glass. Meeting my mum's eyes for the first time since my aunt and uncle died nearly eight years ago I slowly move to open the door making her smile at me slightly but there's an uncertainty in her eyes. Crossing my arms with a glare I silently move aside to let her in and she slips past me quickly followed by Joanna making me bite my tongue to stop from saying something snarky as I close the door. "What can I help you two with?" I ask with a scowl and mum looks at me sadly while Joanna glares at me. "Drop the glare Joanna or get the fuck out. This is my house and I refuse to let you come in here and act like a complete and utter bitch. Am I understood?" I tell her and she just rolls her eyes while crossing her arms over her chest making me shake my head at her.

"Mum, can I have a biscuit? I'm hungry." Isla asks as she comes over to hug my side and I wrap my arms around her with a smile while leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"How about I make dinner instead and then you can have a biscuit afterwards?" I suggest when I realise that it's well past her normal dinner time and she nods as she grips onto me with a yawn. "Right little miss, what do you fancy and I'll go make it while you go back to your movie and colouring." I tell her and she looks up at me with a grin.

"Can I have mac n cheese? I wanted it last night at dad's but he wouldn't let me have it." She asks and I chuckle at that while she pouts.

"Isla you weren't allowed mac n cheese at your dad's last night because you had had it every single night you were there and you needed to eat something different. Nice try misses." I tell her and she groans while burying her face in my stomach, something she started doing when I fell pregnant with Issac. "Seeing as you've been a bloody star today and helped me out with Issac so much we'll have mac n cheese tonight but this is the last time for a few days okay." I say making her perk up slightly before she's nodding happily.

"Okay mum, can we have lasanga tomorrow? Oh or roast chicken! You make the best roast chicken! Can we please have that tomorrow? Pretty please?" She asks as she bounces excitedly making me laugh as I place my hands on her shoulders.

"We can have roast chicken tomorrow if you want but we'll need to go shopping for everything tomorrow so you'll need to behave in the shops. We can also pick up a few new colouring books because you've nearly finished the ones that you have." I tell her and she throws herself at me making me smile. "Go watch your movie and keep an eye on your brother for me while i deal with our guests and make dinner." I say and she jumps up to kiss me cheek before running into the living room again while I return my attention to mum and Joanna, motioning for them to follow me into the kitchen which they quietly do.

"You're a mum?" Mum asks making me nod silently without looking at her as I make a start on dinner. "Why didn't you tell me? I never-"

"I did! Or I tried to anyway but when I started you told me that you didn't have time to listen to whatever I had to say because that little bitch needed you more. Don't you dare stand there and accuse me of hiding anything when you made it clear you didn't care mother." I tell her angrily as I spin around to glare at her and she has the decency to look down at her hands. "What do you two want? I have a family to look after."

"I did need her more! I had just lost my parents!" Joanna shouts and I glare at her while mum shakes her head.

"Yeah I got that Jo, of course I did but that didn't mean that I didn't still need my mum! I was twenty, in a dead end relationship and pregnant, I needed my mum more than you could ever have imagined and you fucking knew it. Which is exactly why you lashed out as much and pushed me out Joanna, mum might have been blind to it but I sure as fuck wasn't." I tell her angrily and she looks at me with wide eyes while mum looks between us confused. "Just because you lost your parents doesn't mean that you had to take mine Jo. Now would you please get to the reason that you're here? I have two children that I need to feed and get settled for the night."

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