Pamela Thornton x Reader (Part 3)

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Credit for this idea goes to WonderWoman1941.

Y/n's POV

Watching the kids run around the house full of sugar I just know that we're going to have our hands full trying to get the kids to sleep later and walk over to where Pamela's standing with an amused look on her face. Leaning back into her when she wraps her arms around me I turn my head to look at her with a smile that she returns before kissing me softly. "Can you believe that it's only a few months until our little boy will be one?" She asks me quietly while tightening her hold on me as her head comes to rest on my shoulder.

"Don't depress me today Pam, I'm trying not to think about how fast this last year has been." I say as I carefully turn in her embrace and she chuckles while pulling me closer to her making me smile slightly. "Seriously, where the hell did the last year go? Our baby isn't really a baby anymore and the kids are growing up so quickly it's scary."

"I know darling, I know and it's scary but it's all part of the process and you know that. Plus with them getting older and more independant we have slightly more time to ourselves at night which I really haven't heard you complaining about." She says with a smile and I shake my head as I lean in to kiss her again only to be interrupted by the sound of Issac crying making us pull apart with groans. Smiling at Pamela's mum when she brings Issac over to us I kiss her cheek as I take the crying boy and bounce him on my hip making him calm down slightly as I kiss the top of his head while Pamela strokes his cheek. "What's wrong little man? I thought that you were happy with grandma?" She asks softly while he chews on his little hand making us share a look as I take his hand out of his mouth making him tear up again.

"It's okay baby, lets go get your teething ring from the freezer and you can chew on that instead of your hand." I say as I wipe away the tears on his cheeks before turning to Pamela with a smile and she kisses me quickly before I make my way into the kitchen to grab the teething ring out of the freezer. Applying a light layer of baby bonjela to it to hopefully soothe his gums more I give him it and chuckle as he munches on the cold rubber while resting his head on my shoulder making me kiss the top of his head with a smile. "Is that better baby?" I ask him quietly and he giggles around the toy as I tickle his belly. Breaking out of my trance when I hear the kids screaming before Josh throws himself against my legs with tears on his cheeks. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask as I bend down to pick him up and he hides his face in my shoulder while mumbling something about his grandma. Furrowing my brow at that I carry the two boys out to the living room where Pamela is holding Maddie on her hip while shouting at Johnny for attacking June and I walk over to my mother-in-law to make sure that she's okay.

"I'm fine darling don't you worry about me." She says quietly while glaring at Johnny who looks at us with wide eyes while I shift both boys on my waist and she reaches out to stroke Josh's back making him look at her from my neck. "Here, you give me the boys and I'll keep an eye on them while you go calm that wife of yours down." She tells me as she takes Issac from me but Josh clings to my side making me chuckle as I kiss the top of his head as I walk over to Pamela who's still ripping into Johnny.

"Out. Get out of this house and be damn lucky that there are children here or else things would be a lot worse for you than they are." I tell him with a glare making Pamela look at me with a clenched jaw and I rub soothing circles on the base of her back while he's quick to leave. Kissing Maddie and Josh's heads I put the clingy boy down and take Maddie from Pamela before coaxing them over to June who takes them into the kitchen to get a sweet. "Come here." I say softly as I pull her into my body making her hide her face in my shoulder as she leans into me and I look at the others in the room pointedly making them leave to give us some privacy.

"Is mum okay?" She asks quietly and I nod as I kiss the side of her head making her sigh slightly as she relaxes more. "What the hell was he thinking? He could have killed her y/n, he could have killed mum all because of his delusions."

"They aren't delusions Pamela, there was someone here that wasn't meant to be but I didn't get a chance to tell you because of the kids. Now I'm in no way whatsoever defending the creep but I am saying that it's been a case of mistaken identity." I tell her softly and she pulls back to look at me with wide eyes, panic rising in them making me shake my head quickly. "She's gone, she slipped out just before everything kicked off and I was tackled by Josh." I reassure her and she nods as she relaxes again while pulling me closer to her.

"Are the kids okay? I was so focused on trying not to kill Johnny that I didn't even stop to think about making sure they were okay." She asks and I nod as I walk her back to the sofa so that we can sit down together with her tucked into my side.

"The kids are fine, a little bit shaken up which is understandable and they might be a bit clingier than normal but other that they're absolutely fine and so is your mum. Actually she's in the kitchen getting them a sweet just now." I tell her softly as I run my fingers through her hair and not even a minute later they come running in to join us on the sofa while June carries a half asleep Issac over to us. Sitting up from my side to take Issac from June, Pamela looks at her worriedly making June roll her eyes as she sits beside me.

"Stop worrying, I'm fine Pamela. Now why don't we pick up the party from where we left it and enjoy the rest of the day?" June tells her and Pamela nods slowly with a frown making me squeeze her leg lightly. Watching the kids run off to start the party again making us chuckle as June follows them and I start to get up only to be stopped by Pamela who pulls me into her side again with a tight grip on my hand.

"I want to have another baby. I'm not saying we start trying right this minute or even anytime soon but-" She starts to say but I cut her off with a deep kiss making her moan as she pulls me closer to her without waking up Issac and my free hand comes up to tangle in her hair. "Is that a yes?"

"It's most definitely a yes Pamela. I've been thinking about it a lot recently and... I didn't know how to bring it up after the whole I'm never doing this again rant I went on. I didn't know if you would want to go through all of that again." I tell her as I rest our heads together and she grins at me while shaking her head slightly. "I want to have another baby with you Pamela Thornton and I will gladly go through everything again to do so."

"Ha! Told you birthday wishes came true!" We hear Maddie shout from the doorway making us both laugh as we look over at it and I hold my hand out to our two eldest making them run over to us happily. "Are you really going to have another baby?" She asks and I nod as I pull her up onto my lap making her grin as she leans her head on my shoulder while Josh cuddles into Pamela from behind.

"We're going to try Mads which means that it might take a while like it did with Issac. Remember the process that me and mummy went through before? We'll need to go through it again but if it works then yes, we'll be having another baby." I explain softly as I look between the two of them and they nod in understanding making me and Pamela share a content smile. "I love you guys and I'm the luckiest woman alive for having met you in Germany Pamela Thornton because none of this would have happened if not for that day." I say softly and the kids grin at us while Pamela leans in to kiss me softly before we all get up and rejoin the party with Pamela plastered to my side after putting Issac upstairs for now so that he can sleep without being disturbed by noisy kids running around screaming.

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