Linda Tripp x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Pulling up outside the Tripp household I get out of the car and make my way up to the front door to knock on it, smiling when the door is opened by Linda who welcomes me in with a smile which I return as I walk past her. "This is a surprise sweetheart, Allison didn't say that you were coming round today. She's actually not long gone out with some friends." She says as she closes the door and I turn to her with a polite smile.

"I wasn't meant to be coming round today Miss Tripp but it seems Allison picked up my history book by mistake earlier when we were studying in the library and I need it for a test tomorrow. When I asked her about it she told me that it was on her desk in her room and that I could come grab it while she was out. That's if you don't mind, of course." I tell her while shifting slightly making her chuckle as she shakes her head.

"Of course I don't mind sweetheart, you're always welcome here. With or without Allison, I truly hope that you know that and what have I said about calling me Linda?" She says as she rests a hand on my arm lightly making me relax ever so slightly and she guides me into the living room with a smile. Sitting beside her I wince slightly when I see that she's working and go to apologise but she's quick to stop me. "Please don't apologise for interrupting this, I'm just going over the notes from court today to see if I missed anything that was being said." She tells me as she tidies up the files scattering the sofa and table only to knock a pile of files over making her groan in frustration. Slipping off the sofa I crouch in front of her and help her pick everything up until I see a piece of paper sticking out of a folder with my name on it making me look at her confused as she takes it from me quickly while blushing slightly before she looks away from me.

"Linda is-" I start to ask but cut myself off as she gets up and moves away from me making me frown slightly as I stand up as well. "I think that I'll go get that book and get out of your hair Linda. I don't want to distract you from your work anymore than I already have." I tell her softly and she simply nods without looking at me making my frown deepen as I leave the room. Making my way up to Allison's room I grab the book and turn to leave only to stop as I run my hand through my hair, what the hell was that piece of paper all about and why did Linda freak out like that? Surely Allison hadn't been right when she told me that her mum has feelings for me! I mean yeah she's an attractive woman and I would be lying if I said that I've never thought about her in that way but she's my best friends mum for fuck sake! It's wrong on so many levels! I think to myself but shake off the thought as I leave the room and make my way back down to the living room to grab my discarded bag making Linda look at me with a small smile.

"Is that you leaving already?" She asks quietly and I nod with a slightly forced smile as I slip my history book into my bag making her sigh. "I'm sorry about before. I shouldn't have-"

"You have nothing to apologise for Linda I'm the one that's interrupting you while you're trying to work but I really should be going. I need to dump this lot at home and get ready for work, plus you seem to have a lot on your plate. I don't want to intrude more than I already have." I tell her as I straighten up and jump slightly when I realise that she's right in front of me making her chuckle slightly as she reaches up to push my hair out of my face. Lifting my bag up onto my shoulder I lean in to kiss her cheek like I always do and bite back a chuckle when I see the light blush on her cheeks before leaving the house, quickly getting in my car I connect my phone to it and call Allison as I pull away from the house.

"Hey, I'm just on my way home y/n. Did you get the book?" She asks when she answer and I hum as I turn out of her street. "What's up? You're rather quiet today."

"Can you meet me at the old park we used to hang out at in high school? I need to talk to you about something and I really can't talk to you about it in either of our houses." I ask her as I start driving in the direction of the old park because even if she can't meet up I still need to clear my head right now. "It's about what we were talking about earlier in the library. I... I think that you were right about your mum." I tell her and she laughs on the other end making me groan.

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