Jessica Lange x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Laying in the empty bed of the spare room I give up my attempt at sleep knowing that it won't happen without Jessica beside me. My gorgeous wife, who for some reason had completely lost it on me earlier when she came home, has locked me out of our shared bedroom and to my knowledge is fast asleep in our bed. Pushing myself up tiredly I grab my glasses and slip them on with a sigh before sliding out of bed and grab the baggy top I'd stolen from Jessica a few years ago, quickly slipping it on before making my way downstairs to the kitchen where I grab myself a glass of water. Sitting down at the bunker I rest my head in my hands as I groan slightly, what the hell had happened to get me here? I know we're having troubles but this? This is a whole different level and I have absolutely no idea what even caused it. "What are you doing up?" Jessica asks from the doorway and I pull myself out of my thought to look over at her offering her a small smile as I try to figure out what the hell is going on with her. "I thought you were asleep."

"I was just getting a drink then I'm heading back up to bed." I tell her as I play with my glass before drinking the last of its contents and making my way upstairs without saying anything else. Walking back into the spare room I close the door and lean against it with tears in my eyes before walking over to the bed and falling onto it. Closing my eyes I don't bother trying to fight my tears as sleep finally claims me while I feel the bed dipping beside me and a warm body curling into my side. Waking up the next morning to the feeling of Jess pressed against me with her arm and leg draped over me while she snores quietly I can't help but admire her for a moment with a smile before I slowly get out of bed and make my way into the shower to start getting ready for the day.

"Mind if I join?" Jessica asks groggily from the doorway again and I look at her trying to figure out what the hell is going on with her. One minute she's being colder than cold with me and pushing me away and now she's being her normal self, I know that she has bouts of depression and is known for her mood swings but this is just... it's a lot more noticeable than normal which is worrisome. "I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have snapped at you and I definitely shouldn't have locked you out of our room."

"Jessica what's going on between us? We barely see each other at the moment which I understand because both our schedules are beyond hectic but when we do we're either fighting over something stupid and not talking or we spend all day in bed hardly able to keep our hands off each other. I love you Jess but I'm so confused as to what's going on with us because our marriage feels like it's over half the time and I don't want it to be." I ask her quietly as she quickly strips off and slips into the shower, pulling me tight to her with her nails digging into my skin slightly making me stroke her sides softly while hiding my wince. "I love you Jessica Lange but I can't keep living like this. I need you to talk to me because while your depression has made itself known before I'm really worried about you right now and I'm not promising that I can do anything to help but I am promising that I'm here for you but in order to be here for you I need you to tell me what's actually going on. For as much as I would love to be able to read your mind I can't which means that I need to you tell me what's going on."

"I'm sorry, I know that I've not been the best company recently. I've just been so stressed with work and I've been taking it out on you which isn't fair, I know that. Last night I just... everything went wrong during filming, my lunch was ruined by one of the extras and I just wanted to come home to you and was just about to leave for the night only to be called back to refilm something. By the time I actually got home I was tired and stressed and I wanted nothing more than to fall into your arms and never let you go but I ended up snapping and locking you out of our room for no reason which isn't fair on you. You do everything you can to help me and make things easier for me and I keep hurting you when I don't mean to." She rants out in a whisper as she rests her head on shoulder and I run my hands along her back making her relax against me. "I'm so sorry baby, just please don't leave."

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