Claire Dunphy x Reader

835 17 3

Y/n's POV

Watching my kids run around the park I laugh when my youngest runs over to my crying mummy while my eldest chases him with a worm. Scooping Jacob up onto my hip I glare at Charlotte making her pout but I continue to look at her making her groan as she puts the worm down. "Stop chasing your siblings with worms and play nicely with your siblings please or we'll be going straight home. You're nineteen Charlotte, I need you to set an example to the little ones instead of chasing them with worms!" I tell her firmly and she nods with a sigh before running back off to where Carol and Allison are playing. Ugh someone remind me why I had kids and how it's fair that I ended up with three girls and one boy and raising them alone. "Why don't you go play with your sisters again Jake?"

"No, mean." He says with a pout as he clings onto me making me chuckle as I kiss his head and just hold him close to me with a smile.

"Y/n? Oh my god I thought that was you, how are you?" A blonde haired woman asks as she approaches me and it takes me a moment to recognise her but when I do I smile at her softly while kissing Jacob's hair.

"Claire! Wow you look amazing! I uh, I'm okay thanks. How are you?" I ask her in a ramble as I look as I try to put Jacob but he shakes his head as he digs his nails into my shoulders making me wince slightly. "Okay buddy, I've got you."

"Worms?" Claire asks and I nod with a chuckle as my girls come running over to us. "Holy hell in a hand basket! When did you three get so big?" She asks the girls and Charlotte grins at her while Carol and Allison shy away from her slightly. They had only been tots when we last saw Claire so it's no real surprise that they don't remember her.

"Claire!" Charlotte shouts as she throws herself at Claire who holds her close to her with a grin. Watching them interact together with a smile I reach my hand out to my younger girls who don't know who Claire is. "Mum look! It's Claire."

"I can see that baby." I say softly as my girls cuddle into my legs and I look down at them with smiles. "Are you ready to go see grandma babies? Mummy needs to drop you lot off then get to work before she's late."

"But muuuum! Claire's here and we haven't seen her since-" Charlotte starts to complain but I stop her softly.

"I know but I have work to get to and Claire has a family and job of her own that she needs to get back to sweetheart. Say goodbye for now and let's go." I tell her and she glares at me as she cuddles into Claire more making me sigh.

"I could always watch them if you need to get off to work y/n. I have today off of work and the kids are with Phil for the week so I have no problem watching them for you y/n." Claire says and I look at her with a shake of my head making her sigh as she looks down at Charlotte before looking at me again. "I know that we parted on bad terms and I don't blame you for not wanting me around you or the kids but one day isn't going to hurt is it?"

"Charlotte go play with your sisters and Jacob just now please." I tell her as I put Jacob down and she takes them over to the field they had been running around in before while I look at Claire with a glare. "It's not going to hurt them? Claire after you left me it took four weeks for me to console Charlotte. She still asks me why we broke up and I don't have the heart to tell her that you left me for a man Claire. I don't want her getting hurt again and quite frankly I don't want you around to give her false hope about you being there again." I say and she looks at me with wide eyes before looking down at her hands with a sigh.

"I didn't think it would have as much of an effect on her as that." She says quietly as she steps closer to me and I sigh as she looks up at me again.

"Claire that girl idolised you for four years and then you left, you were her hero and she didn't understand why you left. I know that she's nineteen but I refuse to let you break her heart again by coming in and then leaving again." I tell her and she looks at me with hurt in her eyes making me groan. "That's not what I meant Claire, you did the right thing in being true to yourself and I'm glad that you and Phil ended up being happy together. You did what you had to do but... my little girl might be nineteen but she's still my baby and I need to protect her Claire, I'm sure that you understand that as a mum."

"Of course I do y/n and... I'm sorry for running away from us. I loved Phil and I love my kids but I never should have been scared of what people... what my family would think of us being together." She says as she takes my hands and pulls me closer to her body making me raise an eyebrow at her. "I told everyone the truth after me and Phil got divorced and I should have done it years ago because I've missed you and Charlotte so much."

"And we've missed you too Claire but this... I can't do this again. I can't let you back into my kids lives Claire, I'm sorry." I say with a sigh as I stroke the back of her hand lightly and she bites her lip as she steps closer to me making me shake my head with a chuckle. "It won't work Claire, I've fallen for this too many times in the-" I start to tell her but get cut off as she kisses me with one hand coming up to cup the back of my neck as she pulls me into her properly. Moaning quietly as she trails her fingers up my arm as I kiss her back and she smiles into the kiss before pulling back to look at me as she rests her head against mine.

"Give me a chance to prove that I've changed. I'm not scared anymore and I never stopped loving you so please? Let me show you, all of you that I'm in this for good." She whispers and I pull away from her to look at my kids. Seeing the excitement in Charlotte's eyes as she watches us I can't help but see her as a little girl looking at Claire like she hung the moon.

"One chance but we take it slow Claire. Those kids have been through so much since me and their dad split up and I won't rush into anything. For all of our sakes." I tell her as I look at her again with a soft smile that falls as I look past her and see her whole family standing behind her. "Uh, Claire out of... curiosity have you told your family about any of this? About me and Charlotte?" I ask as I look straight over her shoulder making her eyes widen as she shakes her head as she steps back from me making me look at her with a shake of my head. "So much for not being scared anymore Claire, thank you for showing me this before I let my kids get used to you again." I say as I move over to the kids and pick Jacob up before motioning for Carol and Allison to follow me to the car and Charlotte glares at Claire before scooping both of them up to carry them there.

"I should have listened to you before and we should have just left the park to go to grandma's. I'm sorry mum." Charlotte says as we strap the kids into the car and I shake my head at her with a soft sigh. "She left for someone else didn't she?" She asks as we get into the car and I look at her with a small nod. "Why didn't you just tell me that?"

"You were four baby, how do you tell a four year old that your girlfriend left you for a man who she got pregnant with and married a year later? You don't tell any kid that and you loved her so much that I couldn't be that heartless." I tell her as I pull away from the park and look over at her quickly before focusing on the road again. "How about I call work and tell them that all of us are sick and then we can ditch going to grandma's in favour of going to get some ice cream followed by a movie night?" I ask her and she lights up like she's a kid again making me laugh because for as much as we might have our arguments and for as attitudey as she can be it's times like this that show me that she truly does love me.

"Can I pick the first movie mum? Can I, can I please?" She asks excitedly and I nod with a laugh making her smack my arm with a laugh of her own. "What? You know that I love movie nights and it's been forever since we had a movie night since Jacob was born and Andrew left. You've been so busy working and raising the kids like you did with me and-"

"And you feel a little left out?" I ask softly and she looks at me shocked as she nods making me sigh. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I promise that tonight after we get the kids to bed we can put those horror movies you like so much on. I'll even pull out the good sweets that we hide from the kids as well as that chocolate cake I made the other night." I tell her and she lights up like a kid on Christmas as she nods excitedly.

"Best mum ever!" She says excitedly making me laugh as I carefully motion for her to stay quiet as I call work who are more than understanding before she sends a text to mum to update her on the change of plans. "Do you want me to stay here with the kids while you run in to get the ice cream or do you want me to run in?" She asks and I pass her my card with a grin.

"Get vanilla for the kids, mint choc chip for me and whatever you want and that includes anything other than ice cream you want." I tell her and she leans over to kiss my cheek before running into the shop. "Oh you're really still just a kid at heart my sweet girl." I whisper to myself as I watch her go before looking back at the kids who have fallen asleep in the back. Well I guess we're having a horror day... yay! Not. Oh I hate myself sometimes. I think to myself as I wait for Charlotte to come back and when she does the smile lighting up her face makes my heart melt slightly.

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