Kerry Weaver x Reader

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Suggested by WonderWoman1941 a while ago. Sorry that it's taken so long to get this up.

Y/n's POV

Standing at the hob making dinner for myself I jump when I hear the front door go and look over at the door confused as whoever it is presses the doorbell repeatedly. Quickly turning the heat down I move over to the door, pulling it open ready to snap at whoever it is only to be met with an upset Kerry. Moving aside to let her in I turn to her as I close the door but before I can say anything she drops her crutch and falls into me crying. "Oh Kerry, what's happened sweetheart?" I ask as I hold her close to me but she shakes her head as she tightens her hold on me. "Okay, we don't have to talk but how about we go sit down?" I suggest softly to the crying woman who nods but doesn't move any making me sigh as I carefully pick her up bridal style and carry her over to the sofa. Sitting her down I kiss the top of her head before moving into the kitchen to turn the hob off before moving to sit beside Kerry.

"Me and Sandy are over." She says quietly as she falls into my side making me look at her shocked but hold her to my side softly as I stroke her arm. "I told her that I was ready to try for a baby again and asked her to carry this time. She laughed in my face and wouldn't even hear me out before shutting me down. I refused to just drop it which led to a screaming match during which we both said a lot of things. It ended with us calling an end to the relationship and me leaving her apartment only to realise that I had nowhere to go." She explains as she curls into my side and I kiss the top of her head lightly. "I've spent the last hour wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out where to go before I came here. You were the only person I could think about coming to."

"My door is always open to you Kerry. No matter what my door is open to you and you're welcome to stay for as long as you need or want." I tell her softly as I stroke her arm making her relax into me more while playing with the buttons of my shirt. Biting my lip when her fingers slip between the gaps in the buttons, catching my bare stomach I bring my hand up to run my fingers through her hair as I try to compose myself. I've had a crush on her for long enough now but had never acted on it because she's one of my best friends and I didn't want to ruin things between us. That doesn't mean I don't still find it hard not to react to her touches which I'm not always sure are innocent half the time. "How about we have some dinner and then we can relax for the night. We can go round to the flat whenever you're ready to get your things but until then you can help yourself to anything in my wardrobe."

"Thank you." She whispers as she leans up to kiss my cheek and I cup hers softly with a gentle smile. "You really are amazing y/n and I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here. For letting me barge in here with no warning and disturb your night, you've been run off your feet at the hospital and this is your first early finish this week."

"You have nothing to thank me for Kerry. You're my best friend and I would do anything to make sure that you're okay." I tell her as I push her hair behind her ear making her smile slightly as she leans into my hand lightly. "And you're not barging in on anything other than me making dinner and sitting down to find something decent to watch. It might be my first early finish this week but I could never just turn you away. You mean too much to me for me to ever be able to do that." I say as I start to take my hand back but she's quick to stop me as she holds my hand in place with her eyes shut and her fingers running over the back of my hand softly.

"Tell me honestly y/n, do you think that I was in the wrong for standing my ground on this? For wanting her to carry the baby this time?" She asks as she looks at me with sad eyes and I'm quick to shake my head making her tighten her hold on my hand slightly.

"No sweetheart, you weren't wrong for standing your ground on anything Kerry. Least of all something as big and as important as that." I tell her honestly and she nods  as she pulls me into another hug after relinquishing her hold on my hand. "Let me go finish making dinner and then we can settle for the night with some movie of your picking." I say into her hair before slowly slowly pulling away from her but she stops me before I can get up.

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