Mum!Stella Gibson x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Sitting at Matthew's desk I run my hand through my hair as I look around the station to try and see if mum's anywhere around but don't see her anywhere and I'm not sure how to feel about that. On one hand I'm kind of glad that she's not here because if she was she would go on a rant about how she warned me that my 'friends' were nothing but trouble and would drag me down with them, which is exactly what happened and why I'm sitting in handcuffs. On the other hand I really wish that she was here because I'm really freaking out right now despite the fact that I'm not actually in trouble and need her to reassure me that I'm okay despite the fact that I'm fifteen. Feeling a hand rest on my shoulder I turn my head hoping to see mum standing there but get met with a soft smile from Matthew making me sigh slightly while slouching in the seat and he squeezes my shoulder before sitting down again.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" He asks softly and I shrug at that making him sigh. "You do know that you're not in trouble right? All of this is simply just for show to make those bitches realise that they can't get out of trouble just because they're friends with you."

"I feel like an absolute idiot and I can't believe that I'm saying this at the age of fifteen but I really want my mum Matthew." I admit as I look down at my hands as I pick at my nails and he rests his hand on top of mine making me look up at him properly. "I don't suppose you know where mum is do you?"

"She's out getting lunch just now but when I called her she promised that she would be back as soon as she could be y/n." He says and I smile slightly at that making him chuckle as he pats my hand. "She's not angry y/n, she's extremely worried about you but she's not angry."

"She's also feeling pretty smug right now I bet Matthew and for good reason. She warned me about them, she warned me that they were no good and I should have listened to her. But no! I had to know better and now look at me, I'm sitting, handcuffed, in a police station where my mum is the Detective Superintendent feeling like an idiot who wants her mum." I tell him as I shake my head at my own stupidity. "Why didn't I just listen to her? If I had I highly doubt that I would be sitting here right now. Not in handcuffs anyway." I mutter to myself and he sighs as he uncuffs me making me smile slightly.

"Because as much as you love her you wanted her to be wrong about this. You wanted to believe that they wanted to be your friends for the sake of being your friend instead of for the sake of trying to get out of trouble. That is allowed and yes, maybe your mum was right about them but I'm going to let you in on a little secret she's not always going to be right about these things, let her have this one." He tells me and I chuckle quietly at that making him nudge me with a laugh of his own as mum comes walking over to us with wide eyes. Looking at her nervously I bite my lip when she takes my hand as she walks towards her office and stumble inside it with her making her look at me with worried eyes before the door's being shut and I'm being pulled into a tight hug which I quickly return.

"Please tell me that you're okay. You aren't hurt are you?" She says as she rocks me slightly and I smile as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"I'm fine mum, I feel like a complete and utter idiot but physically I'm fine." I tell her with a sigh and she rubs my back lightly making me tear up as I hide my face in her shoulder. "You were right mum, they just wanted to be friends with me to get themselves out of trouble." I say quietly and she tightens her hold on me while kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry baby, I really wanted to be wrong about them." She says and I nod silently as I hug her making her sigh. "How about I take the rest of the day off and we go home, stick a movie on and call out for dinner? Just spend the rest of the day together like we used to when you were younger." She suggests softly and I pull back to look at her pointedly making her laugh.

"You're not just an officer anymore mum, you're the Detective Superintendent and as much as I would love to go home and spend time with my mum you're still needed here." I tell her and she looks at me shocked making me chuckle with a blush before resting my head on her shoulder again. "I love you mum and I really do want to spend time with you but you have work to do and a murderer to catch. Which unfortunately for me means that you need to stay here while I go home and binge out on your not so secret chocolate stash." I say cheekily as I slowly start to pull away from her but she pulls me back into her as she tickles my side making me laugh while trying to escape her grasps.

"You leave my chocolate alone misses." She says with a laugh of her own as she pulls me tight into her body and I nod as I try to get away from her until she stops tickling me. "I love you y/n and I really am sorry that those bitches were using you, I never wanted to be right about that."

"I know mum but I guess I should have known, they only wanted to be my friends after you got promoted and I knew their past records. I just never thought that they would stoop to this nad have to thank my lucky stars that the shop owner, security, shoppers and cameras saw what they did or I could have been in a lot of trouble mum. Real trouble that I don't even think you would be able to get me out of." I say with a sigh as she kisses my head and look up at her with a small smile. "Guess I should have listened to you from the start shouldn't I?"

"Maybe but sweetheart you have to make mistakes in life and do you know what the perks of making these mistakes are when you're young? You can learn from them better and it allows you to be able to judge who wants to be your friend because they want to be and not just to get out of trouble better." She says as she plays with my hair and I smile at that as I lean up to kiss her cheek making her smile at me. "Now lets go home and before you argue I can put Matthew in charge for the rest of the day. Right now my little girl is more important than anything else and I'll even share my chocolate with you." She tells me with a look that I know not to argue with and happily follow her out of her office to the main squad room where she quickly fires off demands to Matthew who just nods with a grin and a wink at me before we leave the station to go home.

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