Chapter IX

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(Short update!)


          I was surprised when Yunjin kissed me. That was something I did not ever expect. Things just got weirder around here.

"Liz!" I called her name again as I go after her. I know she's upset after seeing something like that. I wouldn't be happy, too.

But I need her to know it's not what she thinks it is.

I grabbed her arm and turned her around, "It's not what you think it is. Please, stay."

"I should've gone home instead." she told me and started walking again. She's close to crying, I can feel it.

"No, please, I'm telling the truth." I held her hand so she'd stop walking. I'm glad it worked and it also calmed her a bit so I let her sit. Our friends are now here, too.

"I know she's into you but I didn't think she'd do that." Winter said as I calm Liz. She knew about it?

"You knew about it?"

"Yeah. But I swear, it never crossed my mind that she'd do that."

"What happened?" Ryujin asked.

"I was just congratulating her, I swear." I told them the truth. "And then she did that."

"God, what a bitch. Right in front of Liz?" Karina rolled her eyes. Yunjin became an issue in their relationship back then so I get the hate she has for her. I told them to go home so I could have a private talk with Liz.

"I'm telling the truth. I never would've done anything stupid to hurt you." I told Liz as she stare at me. I continued to caress her hand so she'd know I'm being genuine.

"Does that usually happen? Your teammates kissing you?"

"Wha- no. No. That was the first time."

She remained quiet for a while then chuckled afterwards, "I'm not even your girlfriend. I don't even know why I'm like this."

"I do. And yes, you may not be my girlfriend but I'm courting you so I understand why you're upset." I looked at her with loving eyes. She doesn't have to admit she's jealous because I already know. I don't ever want her to feel that way again. "I promise you won't ever feel something like that again."

"That's good to know." she finally started smiling. I'm glad she felt assured by my words. "But I'm still annoyed." she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I understand." I let her express her feelings.

"If she ever tries anything again-"

"I won't let that happen." I assured her once more. I know seeing something like that would make me paranoid, too, so I will keep on reassuring her.

"Do you think I'm overreacting? Sensitive much?" she asked. Maybe she's worried that I'd get annoyed by the way she's reacting to this.

"Not at all. I'd probably feel and react the same way if the same thing happened with you." she felt relieved to hear those words from me. "But I want to let you know that you have nothing to worry about. Only you matter to me."

"Promise me."

"I promise, beautiful." and I've seen the prettiest smile on her.

I wasn't able to talk to Yunjin until the next swim practice. I need to have a say about it.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked in the locker room when everybody else left.

She can't even look at me, "No, why would I?"

"Why did you do that? There was no reason for you to do so."

"I was caught up in the moment, Rei. And I thought you don't mind people knowing you're gay?"

"I don't but I'm already seeing someone, Yunjin."

"It was just a kiss. She'll move on." I don't know if she's being sarcastic but I didn't like what she said.

"You know, I still don't understand what you said. About pretending to hate me. What was that all about?" it's the perfect time to ask her now.

"What's it to you anyway?"

I let out a heavy sigh before speaking again. Clearly she's not communicating well. "Yunjin, I need to clear my head. Don't make me overthink." she's making it harder for me.

"I've liked you for months now." she confessed. "The reason I kept on pretending to hate you is because I don't want my emotions to take control. Once that happens, I know I'll get distracted whenever we compete with each other and end up losing. I can't stand losing, Rei. Specially against you."

With that, it all makes sense now. She pretended to hate me so she could focus on winning. And she actually did.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone already. Tell her, I'm sorry." and she left me again. But it's good that it's all been answered.

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