Chapter XI

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          I also remained quiet as we interlock our fingers but the way I'm internally screaming right now...oh my God. I've never interlocked fingers with someone I like before.

All these things I'm experiencing right now are all firsts and it's with Naoi Rei.

I could not even focus on the movie. I wonder what she's thinking of right now? I wonder if she's going crazy inside as I am.

My palm starts to get sweaty and I worry that she'd find it disgusting so I let go of her. "My palm's getting sweaty." I nervously chuckled.

"I don't mind. I want to hold your hand." and she intertwined our fingers once more and I felt the same feeling a while ago.

"Do you want more cookies?" she asked. "There's still some left in the oven."

"I'm already full."

"Okay, just take it home. Eat it and think of me." she joked, making me laugh.

"I always think of you." I confessed.

"Really?" she grinned. I lightly hit her arm.

"Focus on the movie." I tried to distract her.

"Now that you've mentioned that, I can't." I start to feel shy because she won't stop looking at me with her loving eyes. I couldn't help but let out giggles as she stare at me.

"Stop." I told her.

"You've turned red." she teased. I can imagine how hard I'm blushing right now.

"Yah, stop it now." I said but she won't stop looking at me so I glared at her playfully but she gave me a smile in return.

I wiped my other sweaty palm and puts it on her face to make her stop looking at me. She started laughing because I can't handle the stares she's giving me.

"With that pretty face of yours, you're gonna have to deal with lots of eye contact with me, Liz. You should start working on that." I shake my head as I chuckle. She'll probably tease me a lot starting now.

We didn't get to finish the movie because we weren't able to keep up with it during our conversation. Instead, I helped her clean up even though I don't like doing it. To my surprise, it's actually okay when you do it with someone you like. It doesn't feel tiring at all. Why is that?

"The competition's next week. I'm kinda nervous." she broke the silence as we clean.

"I'm sure you'll do great. You've been practicing a lot." I told her kind words. "You're Naoi Rei, remember? Or did you forget?" I managed to make her smile big.

"I'll do my best." she responded. "I'll look for you in the crowd."

Right after having fun with her, something hits me just now. I'm suddenly second-guessing whether to ask her about Yunjin or not. I know she's trying her best to make it up to me about what happened and that she assures me that I don't have to worry about anything but I still can't stop thinking about what happened. What happens when I'm not around? Does Rei still talk to her the way she did before? I still have these questions that bothers me.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked, noticing how I got quiet all of a sudden.

I was hesitant to speak at first because I'm still thinking whether to ask but I figured I should communicate with her so we could settle this issue.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but how are things between you and Yunjin? Do you still talk to her?" I asked without giving her a look.

"Only when necessary. You know, swimming stuff?" she carefully explained. "But other than that, no."

I felt relieved after hearing what she said. "I'm sorry, I just had to ask." I apologized for making it seem like a big deal. She then, stopped what she was doing and held my hand.

"Don't be sorry. But you can trust that I won't give you any reason to worry about anything like that again." she looked at me with loving eyes. I know she means every word.

That's when I gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I know I can."

I continued packing cookies and cupcakes, leaving her dumbfounded. She couldn't even speak at all and I'm well aware I'm blushing, too.

I never thought I could do that kind of thing. I guess, those things happen naturally when you're already comfortable with the person. I know I can trust her now.


          While things between Rei and Liz are starting to get better, it became a total opposite for Yujin and Wonyoung.

"I already told you, it was nothing." Yujin is close to losing her temper, too.

"I've seen you this morning walking her to class and you expect me to believe that there's nothing going on? She's your ex, are you stupid?"

Yujin then realized what she did was wrong and became quiet. She has never seen Wonyoung this furious about something before.

"I'm sorry." she held her hand but Wonyoung was quick to yank it away.

"And you're wondering why it's hard for me to trust you?" Wonyoung's eyes starts to get teary. "Stop hurting me, An Yujin." her voice cracked as she say those words.

"It was wrong, I'm really sorry." Yujin hugged her tight and that's when Wonyoung's tears shed. This is the first time she's seen her cry and she feels stupid for putting her in a situation like this.

Wonyoung gave all her might to push Yujin so she'd let go of her and calmly tells her, "I need space. Please, give me time."

This was supposed to be a good day for them, at least for Yujin because Wonyoung's already not in the mood the moment she's seen the two of them together. She didn't know what's gotten into her mind as to why she decided to approach Minju this morning and even walked her to class.

Now that she thinks of it, it's really stupid and wrong. Even if she was only trying to be nice, she shouldn't have done that considering she and Minju were done and she has Wonyoung now.

Wonyoung is just waiting for Yujin to overcome her wrongdoings and toxic personality for her to finally say yes. She's been hurt by Yujin before but this was by far the worst. She could not leave her because she's hoping that one day, Yujin will finally act right.

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